避免溺水的最佳方法 – 生存技巧 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

該視頻將教您如何在水中保持安全。 學習漂浮和安全游泳應該是每個初學者應該學習的第一件事。 生存技能在游泳等活動中非常重要。 學會在緊急情況下保持漂浮是非常重要的。


關於 Swimming Lessons

27 留言

  1. I passed out on a Lilo once in Greece…. I've never been so close to death. I could NOT get back to shore and I'm an "OK" swimmer. The tide was against me, a mild (and I mean mild) storm came in… I was miles out and every ten strokes I took to get back, 7 were wasted. Eventually I made it, over 4 miles down the coast line and had to walk back to the appartment… ( obviously no cash for a taxi in swimming wear) just to find my GF was snogging the bar tender. And I'd paid for the holiday. Not a good day. Sun burned to crap, too. But seriously – other than car crashes and a couple of full-on fights…. that was the closest I ever came to death, and the fact is – you have time to think about it. Car crash, a guy with a gun or knife… it's instant and you react… stuck on a lilo 5 miles from shore… you have a whole lot of time to consider your mistakes, and get very, very tired trying to get home…

  2. Good job omg. Are you in athens

  3. I'm watching this video and absolutely love it and I've learned so much so far. But I have a disability and can't raise my left arm to long stroke. Help please!!

  4. You are an awesome teacher!!!

  5. I wish i could take lessons from you! Great teacher!

  6. Awesome! Great Teacher and well determined student!!!

  7. Where are you located? I am interested in swimming lessons

  8. I would have bird swim that

  9. Thank you, you will save people's life

  10. Lesson 1: stay out of water

  11. One of the first lessons I taught my son.

  12. ❤️❤️❤️ i need an actual pool to practice but this covid shit is full of restriction

  13. Best coach !im learning from your videos i discovered a new world
    Just learning to swim after ages and trauma in past.The student is really cool .he is doing such a progress

  14. I wish m t I learn faster en bcm professional

  15. Balaji seems to be a pro now. Great transformation, great coach. I am heading to Winnipeg beach tomorrow and try to apply all the techniques on a safe distance and will update you guys. Thanks for the video


  17. Wow Bilaji you rock congrats that's motivating that's one of my fear and that's a serious one for me. As much as I love the beach loving the water but I don't know how to swim. Bilajj just inspired me to kick this fear out. Great job Bilaji

  18. I really want to be trained by this trainer…im a bad swimmer

  19. ===== thank you very much for uploading this video =====

    [[[[[[ thumbs up 328 ]]]]]]

    im sharing this video to my community

  20. Great Trainer.
    Sir, I need to learn swimming.


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