第 2 课:这个初学者游泳课视频教您在水中漂浮。 游泳的第 1 课是学习漂浮在水中,以便在学习进一步游泳之前获得信心。 漂浮在水中还可以帮助您克服对水的恐惧。 迈克教练将教格洛丽亚气密地漂浮在她的肚子上。 我们将学习如何大口呼吸,让您的肺部充当救生衣。 当我们在水中时,我们的肺充当救生衣,它们可以防止您沉入水中。 当我们试图漂浮在水面上时,我们需要学习深呼吸以充分利用我们的肺部。 该视频是成人初学者系列的第一课。 通过 Patreon 支持我 电子邮件 social@nitroswim.com 在 Facebook 上点赞并关注我们 Nitro Mike Jonny 在 Twitter 上关注我们 Nitro Mike Jonny 在 Instagram 上关注我们 Nitro Jonny (me) 在 Reddit Jonny (me) 上关注我 我们的官方网站:也请查看www.swimcapz.com
标签1英语 Lessons Swimming Swimming Lessons 初学者如何游泳 漂浮在水中游泳课
She already knew how to do it
The biggest problem from beginner is fear of water. If someone has fear of water, she will have no confidence. It will be good if she has a good teacher like you. The way you explain things are very clear & easy to understand, all make sense. Thank you.
first video that makes sense, THANK YOU!!
I tried to to swim but could float. I will your technique. Thank for your lesson.
Whoever sees this, you are beautiful just the way you look! You do not need any adjustments to your beautiful body! You do not need abs or be skinny! You are beautiful just the way you look! YOU are important! You have worth and meaning! You do have value!
I’ve took two different swim lessons and still can’t float. Muscular build with low body fat.
My friend Trent needs to see this !!!! @trent check this out :D
i learned backward swimming thank you sir. and i looking forward to learn more styles.
To survive don't you want to float face up? I don't think I can survive floating face down in the water.
Hello guys hw a u
Hello where a u found
you are super i was try i am good at it now thanks
Where has this channel been the past six years I been trying to get over my fear and learn?
Great old video. Thanks!
Bobs …he doesn't release the air underwater
Hi Mike, where are you based?
Thanks much I'm a beginner
Thank you, this is really helpful. I wish I had a coach like you I would have mastered swimming by now!
Plz bring back your old videos . What happened to them
am 6 i no how to swim
pls u may hve the old video
2:46 she wants to kill you lol
Holding your breath to float is really not cut and dry. Because when you are floating on your back you are basically able to breath normally and when you exhale air you won’t sink. At least I don’t. So, whether you have air in your lungs or not, what really is going to keep you afloat in a prone position, front or on your back is your ability to relax in the water. And beginner swimmers find this very hard to do because it’s all tied to being able to breath.
Thank you so much I didn't know how to swim
who els here cuz of corona lol?
My name is Glorya too
Very intresting plz more
Do you have a location around Queens