初級游泳課程(第 2 部分)| 學游泳 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

第 1 部分:通過觀看初學者游泳課程系列的分步第 2 部分學習如何游泳。 初學者的最佳技巧。 不要忘記與您的朋友和家人分享視頻,這樣他們也可以學習游泳! 在本視頻中,我們將學習以下游泳課程。 1:鮑勃系列。 游泳時如何呼吸。 呼吸練習。 2 : Streamline 從坐姿推開牆壁。 3 : 流線型的背部推出。 4:簡化踢腿練習。 如何使用流線型手臂踢自由泳、仰泳。 5:踩水。 安全站。 6:全仰泳技術。 7:仰泳和仰泳。 以及更多!! 《如何漂浮在水上》 《游泳時如何呼吸》 《游泳時如何側身翻滾》 《如何仰卧漂浮》 《如何踢腿》 《自由式踢腿》 《仰泳踢腿練習》 《水中求生技巧》 ” “如何踩水”


關於 Swimming Lessons

23 留言

  1. Where is this? I also want to learn swimming

  2. What do you do if you can't get your arms up high enough. No way my arms go anywhere near my ears.

  3. Can I sigh up to go in one of your class

  4. We』re do you live I wish you train my son

  5. Nice but it would be better if the student is really a beginner.

  6. يا ريت لو تكون الترجمة بالعربي لكي نفهم

  7. Hope if have coach like you

  8. Great video, bit fast, perhaps I missed one but lots to practice from this one!

  9. I felt like learning to swim after watching your video. Thanks a lot sir from Nepal.

  10. I just got certified in the Fast Swim Program But I am incorporating the nitro videos as parts of my lessons. This nitro program you have come up with is dynamite! The way you are so matter-of-fact organized and meticulous with everything is great! I would love to spend one day of just training with you watching those lessons and copying them with the students. You are definitely a well seasoned swim teacher.

  11. Девчонка уже наверное чемпионка

  12. Is the deep end of this pool four in a half feet deep?

  13. I wanna know the deep end of this pool.

  14. He must have listened hard in school

  15. To everyone! You are beautiful just the way you look! You are important! You do have worth and meaning! I love you! You are important! You do not need to be skinny or have abs to be Beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look! Never forget that! Always be loving and kind to everyone! Jesus loves you! Never forget that you are so beautiful and you do have meaning and worth! Everyone is beautiful! Never forget that! Always be nice and kind! Be loving! You are special! Never forget that you are beautiful and important and you have worth and meaning! Never forget this message!

  16. Now are we going to learn how to float??

  17. don't panic if you cant swim , my lifeguard walks on water

  18. my friends dragged me into the pond and left me I flapped my legs and hands and came back to the shore thy did this few times to me and that's how i learnt swimming

  19. I do swimming lessons with my school on Tuesdays. I wish I did the harder swimming moves! That would be so cool! He is a very good swimming instructor. I will do some swimming every day.


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