蛙泳分析#shorts [英语][Skills NT]

我们一直致力于更好地学习和理解这项美丽的运动,以便我们可以帮助您更好地游泳,这意味着我们的目标不仅是让您更快,而且让您的身心更健康。 如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:Tik tok:感谢观看! 游得快! #短裤


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

11 留言

  1. So head is down, arms in front, then the kick?

  2. I just can't do the breaststroke kick :(

  3. You Don't Have To Do It That Hard On The Pool

    Just Move Your Body as Same as The Video, Get Used to it, Then Learn The Advanced Version

  4. Weird body movement lol that’s why it’s so hard

    Romans 10:9
    If you declare with your mouth,Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved❤️

  5. Has many days have past without swimming how many days it might approximately take to get back in shape/ or to our past speed. Please reply sir!

  6. Can you maybe do a video about hip movement in butterfly, i have trouble with that. I love your channel!

  7. If you want to watch a full Breaststroke Analysis video click here: http://bit.ly/BreaststrokeVideo

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