学会游泳(现实生活中的例子) [英语][Skills NT]

在本视频中,我将使用现实生活中的例子,玛丽安娜,与您分享学习轻松游泳所需完成的 4 个最重要的步骤。 正如你将看到的,学会如何流畅地游泳是很难的,但一旦你掌握了它,这是一项轻而易举就能终生受益的技能。 这一天,我问玛丽安娜她是否会游泳。 她说是”。 她没有说谎。 但她对会游泳的定义与我的截然不同。 我们的网页 我们的旱地频道: 游泳营地: 如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页: 我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品: Instagram: Facebook: 感谢观看! 游得快!


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

26 留言

  1. Could you please leave a link for these googles? I bought a new pair but I looked like I was punched when I get out of the pool. My eyes are deep set, I don't pull my goggles too tight but they seem to create a suction or else they leak… I started swimming on Jan 31st, I am really enjoying it but want to improve, these videos are great!

  2. Often when I breath I take in water and it completely messes me up.

  3. Last month, I could barely complete a full 25 without stopping. Now I can swim a 50m in 33 seconds, now I can swim a 100m in 1:27 seconds, now i can swim a 400m without stopping. It may not be fast but it's a huge achievement.

  4. Thank you so much, i learned a lot from youtube videos. Wish you all the best

  5. Like this vid. Touches my heart and feeling

  6. I think a video on how swimming helps in the context of contemporary posture problems would be interesting

  7. I love your videos I have hope. Thank you.

  8. how can she gain such a great water feelng aroung @7:40 minutes her kick is flawless, how did you guys do that?
    Covered exercises in this video:
    1:48 Breathing exercises: while holding the wall. Learn to breath fast in 2,3,4 strokes
    3:08 Improve legs: 4:20 both hands near the body fingers near legs, kicking exercises hands up, down, on the back, puahing up the floor and gliding,
    7:31 hands windshield

  9. Thank you very much sir for your video. This is very useful. I want to be a good swimmer.

  10. Awesome content and I’m still on the Ad lol

  11. can you guys make a video on swimming routines and/or how to text your swim level and what exercises to do for your level? i’ve been watching A-Aron but i feel that the exercises are TOO beginner for my level…

  12. Same as millions of the viewers of your "arrow free style" video, I started my swimming self-teaching sessions since 2 years ago from someone who struggled to finish 25M breaststroke, which by that moment was my only kinda "know-how" stroke, to now a swimmer who can finish 2k session with all 4 strokes , 5 times a week without too much effort. My cycling background is supposingly contributing a lot in terms of cardio capacity, and is even improved by my swimming, I call it synergy, which is so great!

    Thanks to your patient explaintion and all the 3D illustrations along with the logical analysis based on comparison and datas, skill N talents is not only one of my most beneficial YTB swimming channels, but also has being shared and translated into other languages, (Chinese in my case) for swimmers around the world.

    Hope you guys doing great and of cause, swim fast!

  13. I am at her beginning video. BUT YAY!!! Let us know how she does

  14. Marianna's journey and progress was really inspiring and awesome. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Can you please post more I learn a lot

  16. Greetings from Oman. This channel really helped me when I decided to switch from breaststroke to freestyle because I heard that breaststroke can ruin your knees. Full sprint Arrow freestyle is one of the highlights of my days now. Could you speak more about the arm rotation you alluded to in this video? You rotate inwards as your hand enters the water?

  17. Oh, nice to see you back again Raul. I was wondering what you were up to, it was a while.

  18. From a couple of different martial arts instructors….. Sifu/teacher, am I doing this right? !0,000 more times! But Sifu, that is what you said last time…. Well then, 10,000 more times! You don't get better without practice. Marianna is the ideal student, some one who wants to learn. Good luck on your triathlon!

  19. I am a beginner swimmer and i can relate to it ..I am swimming exactly as her in 0.55sec but if you could show step by step what all drills she did to improve the techniques that would be really helpful for us :)

  20. Sir please do video about skin and hair care before and after swimming.
    Because most of swimming pools will use clorine to keep water clean.
    For every day swimmer

  21. I watch you videos constantly, and I was surprised to see Mariana kicking the same two beats kicks I learned from you, it is a brilliant move to ensure you keep your legs fresh for the cycling-running.

  22. I am 125 lbs. Male. 68 yrs. I swim in 72° springs. Cannot touch bottom. I start to shiver after 10/15 minutes. Heavy people have no problem. I do not want to be heavy. What is recommended? Thank you. This was a good video.

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