- 蛙泳初学者不敢抬头换气咋办!What to do if you don’t dare to raise your head for breath in breaststroke
- 游泳初学者的第二课蛙泳腿练习 Breaststroke leg exercises Chinese
- 蛙泳初学者手腿配合常见的错误动作,游得好首先得学会慢哦!Breaststroke hands and legs with common mistakes!
- 蝶泳初学者第三课,手腿配合分解动作教学!Arms and legs with decomposition action Teaching
- 蛙泳提高系列第五课,手腿配合节奏练习 Breaststroke arms and legs with the rhythm exercises
- 蛙泳初学者第六课,手腿配合节奏练习!Breaststroke hands and legs with rhythm exercises
- 蛙泳提高系列第六课!手腿配合节奏讲解 Breaststroke hands and legs with rhythm explanation
- 自由泳入门,高肘抱水及曲肘移臂2 Getting started with freestyle,High elbow hold water and elbow move arm
- 自由泳入门,高肘抱水及曲肘移臂 Getting started with freestyle,High elbow hold water and elbow move arm