本周#WhiteboardWednesday的一集,我們談論的是用藥球進行力量和條件鍛煉。 我們為您在上半身,下半身和您的核心之間排列了20種不同的旱地練習,讓您比以往任何時候都更快地訓練和游泳! 查看完整的博客:➡️⬅️在SoundCloud上收聽➡️⬅️____________________________________________不要錯過#WhiteBoardWednesday訂閱➡️⬅️____________________________________________游泳者的旱地運動(力量訓練)| 白板星期三TR️⬅️使用TRX懸索進行30強度和調節練習| 白板星期三➡️⬅️如何做自由泳翻轉-5步指南➡️⬅游泳術語➡️⬅️________________加入Strava的MySwimPro俱樂部:➡️⬅️MySwimPro-世界上增長最快的運動的第一健身應用程序! 自2014年以來,我們一直致力於通過游泳幫助各個級別的游泳者過上更加幸福和健康的生活。 如今,超過180個國家/地區的游泳者使用MySwimPro屢獲殊榮的移動和可穿戴應用程序訪問個性化游泳鍛煉計劃,訓練計劃,教育訓練和視頻,高級分析,並記錄和跟蹤他們的進度。 MySwimPro可在iOS和Android智能手機和可穿戴設備上訪問,並且可以免費開始使用。 它被評為「年度Apple Watch App」,並在《體育畫報》等其他國際出版物中得到推薦。 ____________________________________________________________有關更多有用的提示和游泳指南,請訪問我們的其他渠道! 博客:Facebook:Instagram:Twitter:SoundCloud:
標籤MySwimPro 帶有葯球的游泳者的20強度和調節運動英語
how many sets and repetitions?
Could I do these type of workouts separately from weights at different days ?
strenght and condition for a 11 old male swimmer
Please more dryland. Like dynamic, static, yoga for swimmers
Didn't know u could do so much with the medicine ball.. now i must get it
Thanks for the great overview, Faris. Any suggestions for starting reps and weights? I know it will be individual, but if just starting with some dryland strength training. Also when and how much to increase? And should these be split up, like upper body one day, lower a different and core mixed in? Wanting to start working some of these in, but avoid excessive DOMS, if possible.
Very informative.Thank you.
FIRST hehexd