游得更順暢,並以良好的觸角提高您的自由泳技術 [英語][Skills NT]

自由泳有兩個非常常見的錯誤。 它們都與「到達」有關。 . 自由泳泳姿比這樣游泳更好的原因有幾個。 第一個是當你不能伸手和旋轉時,你會用更大的肌肉群來拉,比如你的背部和胸部,而不是僅僅你的肩膀。 第二個原因是,你通過伸得更遠來拉更多的水,因此你可以用更少的力氣走得更快。 此外,在緊張的比賽中,如果你更好地接觸牆壁,你會更快地接觸牆壁。 一個常見的錯誤是在嘗試到達時越過身體線。 這種情況經常發生,特別是當你呼吸時。 這會讓你的身體失去平衡,你會以鋸齒形而不是直線游泳。 電子郵件列表! Health IQ 贊助商:如果您在美國,這對您來說是一個很好的機會。 Health IQ 是一家保險公司,它幫助像我們這樣有健康意識的人,游泳者,獲得更低的人壽保險費率。 要查看您是否符合條件,請立即在以下網址獲取免費報價:或在與 Health IQ 代理 Skills NT Shop 交談時提及促銷代碼 SKILLS:訂閱我們的電子郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的 Patreon:Instragram:Facebook:感謝收看! 游得快! .


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

25 留言

  1. We』re you a college swimmer?

  2. This video helps me a lot!

  3. What angle of the head is to prefer? Straight down or 45 degrees forward?

  4. 멋진 수영영상 감사합니다

  5. Hi! My son is going through competitive swimming training. I observed my son is stuck with his best time. Means not improving the time.
    Could please advise

  6. most of.people forget about this in races , and this helps ALOT

  7. I've also been watching the tiswim channel. They also stress reach rotation and glide. I feel strange going from 18 strokes per 25 yd to 14. I haven't checked my 25 yd splits, because I'm swimming not for speed but rather for the love of doing something better than last month. Maybe speed will follow form. Thanks!

  8. I have to say that this particular video is very useful for swimmers who want to improve their freestyle stroke. Who doesn't want to improve? Great job guys!

  9. All your videos are great.
    Many thanks for helping us

  10. Thanks for the video. Would you please shine some light on training for people with lumbar spondylolisthesis ? Thanks again

  11. my left hand reach doesnt feel like my right hand reach is it just because im not lefty? (i know its kinda dumb question lul)

  12. 항상 좋은 영상 제공 해주셔서 감사합니다
    한글 번역 해주셔서 감사합니다

  13. According to the laws of hydrodynamics, the vessel with longer waterline is moving faster because it is cutting the water better and with less turbulence/resistance. When you shorten your line by switching your arms without reach, your body line shortens and the drop in speed immediately follows.

  14. Hey SkillsNT,

    I was one of the giveaway winners and I don't exactly know where to give you my shipping address and everything. The link just goes to your home page so I don't really know where I'm supposed to tell you guys. Please tell me.

    and as always, great video, helped me out a lot!

  15. Can you make a video on how to tread water, that is the only movement I have not seen in your videos

  16. Great, thank you! Can bilateral breathing fix the hand crossover? I am trying to learn it but still find it a bit unconformable to breath on the other (left) side. Also from my video I could see that my right hand (breathing side) enters the water deeper than it should.

  17. hi i have a swim meet next week and i wanw swim the 800 free so can you give us some typs for free and can menchen the correct breething technique plz
    wish you all the best for 2018

  18. 자유형에는 흔한 실수가 두 가지 있습니다. 둘 다 "손 뻗기(reach, 리치)"와 관련이 있습니다.

    뻗으면서 하는 자유형이 더 나은 데에는 몇 가지 이유가 있습니다. 첫 번째 이유는, 뻗지도 몸통을 돌리지도 않으면 어깨만 사용하게 되지만, 뻗으면서 하면 등이나 가슴과 같이 더 큰 근육군으로 당기게 되기 때문입니다. 두 번째 이유는 더 멀리 뻗게 되면 더 많은 물을 당기게 되어 더 적은 노력으로 더 빠르게 가게 되기 때문입니다. 또한, 막상 막하의 경기에서는 벽을 향해 더 잘 뻗는다면 더 빨리 벽에 닿게 됩니다.

    하지만 손을 뻗으면서 몸체 중심선을 넘어가는 것은 흔한 실수입니다. 이 실수는 특히 숨을 들이쉴 때 자주 일어납니다. 그렇게 되면 몸체 균형을 잃게 되어, 반듯한 선이 아니라, 지그재그를 그리며 헤엄치게 됩니다.

    EMAIL 구독!

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    빠르게 헤엄치세요!

  19. I don't see any difference between the swimmer in the video using the freestyle reach and a swimmer using a catch-up stroke. In fact, when I stopped the video at 14 seconds, both of the swimmer's arms were stretched out in front: the left arm was just completing its recovery and the right arm was just about to start its catch. Please explain. Thanks!

  20. Good simmple swimming for begenar thank


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