如何建立你的耐力| 游泳更長的距離 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在本視頻中,我們將學習在長距離游泳時增加耐力的技巧。 在長距離游泳時,增加耐力非常重要。 它可以幫助您游得更快,而無需經常停下來喘口氣。 如果視頻有幫助,請點贊並訂閱頻道。 不要忘記與您的朋友和家人分享視頻。 學習長距離游泳而不會經常感到筋疲力盡。 游泳時正確的呼吸技巧非常重要。 學習如何正確游泳將對初學者有很大幫助。 #learnswiming #stamina #howtoswim


關於 Swimming Lessons

14 留言

  1. "Hi folks, coach bucket nitro" lol

  2. Yfehgycsx has been the first in history and you have to get it done by your

  3. Awesome, that is what I was looking for. I need to swim for a longer distance. I learned a lot from you.
    God bless you.

  4. How to swim faster with breatstroke

  5. God bless you, i love your videos and learned so much from your vidoes….especially when you say patience n practice..

  6. You r one of the best teacher

  7. Coach Mike, I started watching you September 2019…..I am now swimming about a mile per session non stop…..Thanks for these great lessons….

  8. You are a great teacher. Thank you for ur valuable lessons. I have a little question 4 u & hope you will give me some advice. When I am doing freestyle even though my body positioning and kicking feels alright, when I try to breath, I lift my head too much and then the whole stroke and timing become bit messy. Do you have any advices or drills to rectify this issue ??

  9. I practice swimming three times a week. I love that you remind me to be patient. Thanks for your videos.

  10. I learnt how to dive (Kneeling dive), Dolphin (body waves only) and breaststroke from Coach Mike… still working on back float/stroke and the full butterfly

  11. Am learning how to teach swimming from your videos, as I learn how to swim myself, very greatfull

  12. I love him he is a great teacher for all ages bless him


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