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Bro you ever heard of this thing called breath control
I have a question, if I breath only one side, will I have differently developed sides of my body?
I have never breathed on both sides, except when I pull with paddles.
Could this create long term imbalances?
Practice swimming slowly, utilising oxygen slowly. Amount of air in your lungs dictates the stroke pace also, if your pace is slow and relax with no rush for air you do it slow. If you feel breathless doing it, switch to one side or increase stroke rate for quicker breaths
I do the 1500 free few times a week. I breathe every two strokes, alternating left and right every 50. For the last 100, I breathe every three or five, depending on how fast I want to sprint.
I am right handed so I swam breathing only to the right for many years. Then about eight years ago I learned to breathe to the left. It seems to me like breathing to the left makes me swim faster now because it forces my body to tilt more to the left for better streamlining, added to the fact that my body tilts naturally to the right after so many years of breathing to that side, even while I breathe to the left now.
Well you can breath every 2 or 4 strokes and then change the side every lane.
When l began to swim I breath on one side then I got a terrible neckache during 2 or 3 years. I had to lern to breath on both sides. One month later the pain disappeared.
I'm actually not breathing at all when swimming 50m. I breathe every 5th stroke on 100-200m and every 2nd on 200+m.
Sorry, but I disagree for younger swimmers. Do what works for you. As you get older that may change but don't force it.
Only breathe on one side at a time.
Are you on Instagram?
How do we know which is our stronger side? I breathe to my left i feel better rhythm and more comfortable – but when i breathe to my right my stroke feels worse but i feel faster
My motto is: train breathing on both sides, race breathing on the strong side, unless you're swimming for longer than 2K or 1 hour (full Ironman or long distance swim events), in which case, switch whenever comfortable.
Good to know. I have arthritis in my neck and spine and I can only breathe on one side.
Don't agree on that… if we want to be complete we should be able to breathe for each side the same way and even the weaker/stronger sides. If we want to be fast that is another thing, and yes, the rythm and minor frontal area ate better by breathing to one side only.
For me one side is good