提高您的自由泳技术、效率和力量。 参加 Vasa 的免费 5 部分课程,以提高您的自由泳水平,游泳更强壮、更好、更快! 立即注册: — Vasa 主讲 – 与游泳大师世界纪录保持者、全国铁人两项冠军和教练 Karlyn Pipes 一起提高您的自由泳技术、效率和力量。 Coach Pipes 演示了使用 Vasa 测力计和水下视频教学提高自由泳的五种技巧。 这些技术将导致更有效的自由泳游泳和增加划水力量,以实现速度、持续力量和自由泳耐力: 技术 2. 指尖定向。 指尖需要笔直向前才能在自由泳中获得最大的力量。 Karlyn 演示了当肘部伸直或手向外或向内时,力量会如何减弱。 最有潜在危险的位置是手放在肘部前面的位置,内旋可能对肩部造成很大伤害。 保持手指笔直向前以获得早期垂直前臂。 蒂姆·克劳利在静止和瓦萨测力计上演示每个手臂位置。 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………….. 提高自由泳技术的基本技巧 1. 手部放置:如何正确设置划水技术 2. 指尖方向:高肘抓握或早期垂直前臂技术 3. 手腕意识和 Karlyn 的秘密武器:Y 技术的力量 4. 前倾:在你的划水技术中施加力量的位置 5. 退出划水:减少阻力并减少恢复时的努力 …….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….. 自 1988 年以来,Vasa 一直为运动、健身和 PT 康复生产高品质、“经过团队和俱乐部测试”的健身器材。 几十年来,世界各地的奥运级游泳运动员、游泳教练、铁人三项运动员、铁人三项教练和旱地体能教练都选择 Vasa Trainer 和 Vasa Ergometers 作为“必备”训练工具,以通过特定运动的力量、耐力、爆发力提高运动表现, 完善击球技术。 Vasa 是游泳运动员、铁人三项运动员、冲浪运动员、皮划艇运动员、独木舟和 SUP 桨手、交叉装配运动员、北欧滑雪运动员的中流砥柱,他们希望在运动表现和功能性健身方面获得额外优势。 有关 Vasa, Inc 的更多信息:网站:Facebook:Twitter:语音:1.800.488.8272
标签Trainer Vasa Trainer 更快的自由泳第 瓦萨游泳教练英语Vasa 部分指尖方向高肘接球
Ghhggg am
Confused now. I watched the first video- high elbow early bend and have been practising internal rotation action for the arm movement. Now you say not to. Don't know how to try it now
Another way of figuring out the effect of fingertip orientation on power is when you get out of the pool from the deep end.
Thank you!!
I use your 5 free videos to teach beginners
I just jump in and swim as hard as I can
Best video ever
Thank you so much
she is smart
Hi its great to be here.
very amazing information is also shared at the below shared link…Must read it.
Thumbs up ma'am
Bedankt u
Many thanks to you. Such a great Coach. Bless you. Am enjoying my swimming more and efficient from now
Love the turquoise tee shirt! Great again, Karlyn!
That good..
Tks again (I just got over a year long battle with shoulder impingement and rotator cuff problems – jajaja)
grazie da milano italia Thank you! from milan italy
So easy to understand, thanks to the video
Good swiming
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Thanks for showing tips and technique for swimming freestyle. I only know how to swim backwards. I want to learn. Not splash around. It wastes too much energy. I will watch and watch then take notes. Then email my self all the smallest details. Then want to use these techniques at the gym pull. I will wear goggles and ear plugs. I quit smoking so hopefully I will not run out of air? Next: Want to learn: ( Freestyle swimming ), ( butterfly swimming ) and ( breast stroke swimming ). What got me interested in swimming is the , You Tube video about Diana Nyad , when at age 64 .She swam from Cuba to Florida. She initially failed four times. Then succeed the fifth time. Cold freezing water, sharks, box jelly fish , the east and west flow of water as she was swimming north. She wrote the book: ( FIND A WAY ). This is very impressive . I just want to learn how to swim from one part of the pool to the other.
I am confused by what is internal rotation
Is she jeff’s wife?
thank you …. good skill ~~ ^^
This is probably the best video I've seen for freestyle swimming. Thank you!
i'll try this today in my swimming class
Great video explanation, and it would be even better if you showed on the meter the power and power loss of correct and incorrect hand positions.
The "Box" example really made it all come together for me !
I love your techniqe
Thank you for showing what one shouldn't be doing. However, please may you add more detail i.e. more time, and visuals to what is the correct finger position and how the arm should pull back.
Thanks a lot. Very helpful.
Thank you so much for this amazing course.
The Greatest explanations on the channel!
Advice on 3:4 , is very helpful.
Thank you