更快的自由泳:第 5 部分。有效地退出划水以减少阻力 | 瓦萨游泳教练 [英语][Vasa Trainer]

提高您的自由泳技术、效率和力量。 参加 Vasa 的免费 5 部分课程,以提高您的自由泳水平,游泳更强壮、更好、更快! 立即注册: — Vasa 主讲 – 与游泳大师世界纪录保持者、全国铁人两项冠军和教练 Karlyn Pipes 一起提高您的自由泳技术、效率和力量。 Coach Pipes 演示了使用 Vasa 测力计和水下视频教学提高自由泳的五种技巧。 这些技术将导致更有效的自由泳游泳和增加划水力量,以实现速度、持续力量和自由泳耐力: 技术 5. 退出划水。 适当、轻松的恢复将帮助您节省体力、为下一次划水做好准备并避免受伤。 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………….. 提高自由泳技术的基本技巧 1. 手部放置:如何正确设置划水技术 2. 指尖方向:高肘抓握或早期垂直前臂技术 3. 手腕意识和 Karlyn 的秘密武器:Y 技术的力量 4. 前倾:在你的划水技术中施加力量的位置 5. 退出划水:减少阻力并减少恢复时的努力 …….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….. 自 1988 年以来,Vasa 一直为运动、健身和 PT 康复生产高品质、“经过团队和俱乐部测试”的健身器材。 几十年来,世界各地的奥运级游泳运动员、游泳教练、铁人三项运动员、铁人三项教练和旱地体能教练都选择 Vasa Trainer 和 Vasa Ergometers 作为“必备”训练工具,以通过特定运动的力量、耐力、爆发力提高运动表现, 完善击球技术。 Vasa 是游泳运动员、铁人三项运动员、冲浪运动员、皮划艇运动员、独木舟和 SUP 桨手、交叉装配运动员、北欧滑雪运动员的中流砥柱,他们希望在运动表现和功能性健身方面获得额外优势。 有关 Vasa, Inc 的更多信息:网站:Facebook:Twitter:语音:1.800.488.8272


关于 Vasa Trainer

感谢您观看我们的视频,学习如何“更好、更强、更快”进行训练和比赛。 我们的理念从一开始就很简单。制造高品质的运动和健身训练产品,旨在提供终生的功能性健身、出色的效果和可靠的服务。 所有 Vasa 产品都反映了我们的理念,即从长远来看“质量成本更低”,真正的运动表现是“内置的,而不是建立在基础上的”。 Vasa 激励并帮助我们的客户变得更强壮、更好、更快,同时实现他们在运动和生活中的目标。

46 留言

  1. Im swimming much more faster and easier.
    Im had become a believer in good technique

  2. Hi Carlyn, Yes, I was following your functional recovery with great results, but somehow I went back to Total Immersion conditioning , Sinji graceful freestyle and was doing the high elbow recovery, besides wasting energy, it was pinching my shoulder, mostly on one side. T.I has good intention , but miss good points. Going sometime to have a one on one instruction in Kona with you is still on my plans.

  3. Rotation is what many triathletes believe in . Yet for me it only is needed in choppy OWS

  4. Although . . . I thought the roll rotation would actually incorporate the dimensions of the whole body in the swimming action, much like a fish uses the whole body for propulsion.

  5. Interesting. I'm just getting back into swimming. As a kayaker with 10 years experience paddling a sea kayak, it's interesting for me to note the similarities between paddling and swimming. In paddling we call it catch, pull, and release (CPR). Here it's called stretch, catch, pull. And with that, the kayak paddle stops at the waist – doesn't go behind the paddler (wasted motion) – much like this "feather out" then stretch.

  6. Thank you i from vietnam

  7. حسبي الله لا إله إلا هو عليه توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيم

  8. How can we do the flutter kick with vasa trainer integrated with the arms? Useless if we cannot do the whole swimming simulation.

  9. Hi please also add the breathing technique while these swimming steps.

  10. Tkank you so much madam
    You're the best swimming trainer

  11. This Tim isn't demonstrating well! No way to catch him to whatever you are directing him to do! I rather understand you better without having him to demonstrate at all!

  12. Thank you! you are awesome

  13. These 5 videos are really helpful – thanks for posting! The only thing that would have made them even better is a bit more in-water video footage of freestyle technique. Thanks again!

  14. Are you not supposed to "role" even in open-water swimming. I thought that I read it's better not to stay too flat because of waves. Thanks.

  15. please or can I find this arm exerciser used in this exercise ..? his name please?

  16. Thank you for sharing your expertize…

  17. Tim deserve his own YouTube channel

  18. It was really helpful. Thanks :)

  19. Great videos to improve swimming techniques and learn injury-free swimming! Thank you so much Karlyn and Tim!

  20. You just know she beats Tim off camera.

  21. The most intelligent woman in swimming.

    But can we say the same for Tim?

  22. Tim is a hell of a man!!
    Let's appreciate the robot

  23. Stop making fun of Tim you guys lol

  24. Excellent little series!!!

  25. Thank you thank you thank you!

  26. this is an amazing video, incredibly informative, thank you thank you thank you! it cuts back on all the theatrics of the recovery phase you see in other instructional videos and really simplifies the stroke. i love it!

  27. how to be more relaxed underwater I've tired it many times but I can't stay relaxed underwater! ik to swim but breathing underwater seems difficult why is this so? I get tired to early to is that because I workout in the gym b4 swimming?

  28. Why does Tim look like he's doing the same technique with each demo?.

  29. O que posso perceber é que nesse equipamento se cria um certo vício já que a pessoa não fazer o que realmente deve ser feito quanto a pessoa está na piscina, pois ele precisa "segurar" a parte do equipamento para ele não soltar. Dessa foram, apenas alguns movimentos podem ser treinados aí, mas ainda penso que o equipamento cria um vício.

  30. very good very useful to Swimming Best technical knowledge thank you

  31. Tim seems upset

    Anyway, really really cool videos, it helps I lot, I wouldnt figure it out on my own

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