16 分钟的家庭锻炼非常适合游泳者。 核。 跟着。 薄星期四 #1 旱地 [英语][Skills NT]

对于游泳者来说,最重要的肌肉群绝对是核心。 那是你身体的中间部分。 这些肌肉控制着你身体的位置和力量。 如果你有一个强大的核心并且你知道如何在游泳中使用它,你将势不可挡。 格式很简单,3组TABATA,就是做12分钟20秒做一个练习,然后休息10秒。 这项锻炼所需的只是您的身体、地板、重力和可选的瑜伽垫如果您喜欢游泳,您会喜欢我们的网页:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:#abs #core #swimming 感谢观看! 游得快! .


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

19 留言

  1. i dont have gravity where im at, any substitutions i can use??

  2. Hey… adding adverts inside is a mistake. If you have to have them put them at the beginning :-)

  3. Thank you for that video. It’s a great help. I have a question out of curiosity. What is that black thing on your left hand ?

  4. My abs burn and I am sweating so much haha

  5. Buen videoo , has querido participar en las olimpiadas?? Tienes algun limite con respecto a la natacion??

  6. It seems like you dismiss riht hand raise in plank, I did only left with you

  7. What are these subtitles

  8. Congratulations on your 300,000 subscribers

  9. See you there! Swim FAST
    -Skills NT Swimming 2019

  10. I love childs pose for some reason

  11. Awesome bro

    Core is more important to all over body , brain also

  12. sounds like dragon ball z music

  13. Are you Russian or Turkish?

  14. i love this workout, perfect for swimmers

  15. Great follow-along swim work out, easy to do at home while the pools are closed during the virus. I like how it's about 15 minutes; easy to fit into a work day. Thank you!

  16. My Favourite part is the 5…4…3.2.1 STOP and Thin Thursdays.

  17. Thanks for the great workout! Keep'm coming!


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