游泳者旱地练习:Arrow 自由泳技术 [英语][Skills NT]

这个视频是我们上次做的箭自由泳视频的后续视频,我在 1:05 游了 100 米。 如果你还没有看过那个视频,我建议你先看那个。 如果您想下载锻炼,请单击此处:skillwimming.com/skillsnt-dashboard 我制作此视频是因为有些人无法在游泳池中练习我们在视频中概述的练习。 这也适用于缺乏协调性、力量或机动性并且更愿意在水外从事这些工作的人。 请记住,练习新技术的最佳方法始终是实际游泳。 在我们开始常规赛之前,我只想宣布,我们已经在 2020 年 2 月为我们的圣地亚哥游泳营开放了名额。要了解更多信息,请访问:Camp – 您可以将此常规赛视为锻炼的自助餐。 您可以挑选并选择要进行的练习。 这是因为并非每个人都缺乏相同的东西,例如,您可能更想锻炼自己的核心力量而不是协调能力。 我们将练习分为 5 类: 热身协调性/肌肉记忆 核心力量流动性 大部分动作您可以在家进行,有些您需要长凳、PVC 管或扫帚杆、哑铃或一个拉杆。 泳帽 – Dips 上的 AthleanX 视频 – 如果您喜欢游泳,您会喜欢我们的网页:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品: Instragram: Facebook:感谢观看! 游得快! #游泳#旱地


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

33 留言

  1. The link is not active anymore, anyone have the PDF please?

  2. Tienes este video en castellano es muy productivo.exelente

  3. Amazing, I couldn't do the broomstick stretch all the way back.

  4. Hello, can You send me the link where I can download the PDF? Thanks!! Your videos are the Best!!
    Regards from Argentina!!

  5. good video on warmup workout and mobility but where is workout pdf ?

  6. Thank you I love this exercise

  7. Awesome warm up, thanks coach

  8. А у меня не получается 25 с быстрее 14.31 сек

  9. thanks friend for show this exercises for to be more strong

  10. No se pueden, ver los ejercicios adecuadamente

  11. Thanks for your Presentation

  12. Thanks a lot from morroco . Its very helpfull

  13. 오우 유연성 ㅋㅋ 보는 내가 아프넹
    수영은 이 정도 되야 하는 운동인 것인가ㅠ

  14. weary nice work out, thnx

  15. hey not everyone is double jointed like you! Great exercises btw.

  16. Сам половину заданий по 30 раз не сможет выполнить , советует

  17. hello, how do I get the PDF exercises that you describe in the video

  18. I would like an opinion: first I am not a professional athlete, but I love swimming.

    I have bursitis and tendonitis in my shoulder and undergoing physical therapy sessions.

    The tendons and musculature all preserved.

    Will I be able to swim again?

  19. Simply amazing, man. I Am your greatest fan.

  20. Side angle yoga poses…love it!
    In yoga we learn not only how and where to hold tension in muscles but also where to "let go".
    It is natural to hold tension in muscle groups that don't actually pertain to the exercise or pose we are doing- think holding tension in our necks during a warrior pose, very common. When we learn to relax some muscles while we flex others it helps us become stronger where it matters. Awareness of breath is always a great tool to connect to the entire body.

  21. Where is the pdf located?

  22. 감사합니다. PDF파일은 어떻게 받을 수 있죠?

  23. bravo je veux suivi ..

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