蛙泳游泳技术教程。 第 2 部分。腿。 [英语][Skills NT]

在上一个视频中,我们谈到了蛙泳计时的重要性。 我们进行了第一阶段,即手臂的运动。 在本视频中,我们将介绍第二阶段,腿部。 蛙泳的腿是必不可少的,因为它们会产生大量的中风推进力。 恢复 许多蛙泳初学者往往在错误的时间踢腿。 当双手处于恢复阶段即将向前射门时,踢腿实际上应该开始。 您应该弯曲膝盖,同时保持脚踝处于跖屈状态。 在膝盖完全弯曲之前,将脚踝改为背屈。 Out Kick 您现在处于非常强大的踢球位置。 你的手现在向前伸展,就像箭头一样,为你身体的其余部分切割前面的水。 现在尽可能快地伸展你的膝盖。 记住让你的脚踝保持背屈,以尽可能多地吸水。 Inside Kick 现在你的膝盖已经伸展,你需要做两件事。 将双脚并拢,将脚踝置于跖屈处。 保持你的脚踝那样,直到脚的恢复再次开始。 如您所见,蛙泳涉及腿部的所有肌肉。 所以为了获得协调和激活所有这些肌肉,你可以练习做这个练习。 蛙泳的第三阶段与其他两个阶段一样重要。 所以一定要订阅并等待下一个视频! 与往常一样,我会尝试回复您的所有评论。 Skills NT Shop:订阅我们的电子邮件列表:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:成为我们的Patreon:Instragram:感谢观看! 游得快! 歌曲:“Rollin at 5” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

25 留言

  1. When I'm kicking I go backwards or nowhere… I'm assuming this is because my ankles are in dorsiflexion?

  2. This style was once recommended for therapeutic swimming, such as treating spine curvatures. Currently, it is not recommended because it significantly builds up the front muscles of the chest, but hardly strengthens the muscles of the back. This is clearly seen in professional swimmers of this style who are hunched over due to a mismatch in muscle mass. However, for the treatment of spinal defects, this style on the back is recommended, where the back muscles work significantly, and both types of crawl, where the circular motion of the hands is very beneficial.

  3. Hi I am a very strong swimmer in every stroke except breastroke, I keep scissoring my kick what would you recommend to fix this problem


  5. Great, I found my mistake I Kick before I strech my hands forward

  6. Awesome video, thanks! Do you have a technique you advise when you have a poor ankle mobility not allowing you to flex your foot enough before the kick ?

  7. For the breast stroke, when pushing, how far should the arms open?

  8. 关于撇脚的部分是错误的!引起脚的疼痛

  9. Videos are helpful as well as entertaining.

  10. Hello i love breaststroke but i have problems with my hips dropping which can slow me down a lot at meets such as 100 or 200 breast and i cant seem to fix it even when i try my hips just keep dropping

  11. over 10 year of teaching, I found some people get the way to swim breaststroke so natural, other just don't know how to turn the foots out before the kick ( like what you talking about from Plantar Flexion to Dorsiflexion). that is right.
    to top it all, even they know and they can not do it much better, because they can't see how their foots actually complete the kick. They believed they did kick as being taught !! just once they see the video that recorded (by cell ) how they completed the kick with their knees open before the kick, ( instead turning the foots ), they even said that could not be me! In general, I think the video is great, but without a personal coating on side, to tell to tell him/her when they do it right and when they did not. the success is hard to achieved. Do you agree?

  12. what type of exercises can you do at home to improve the kick and getting the foot flexed?

  13. Awesome…. thanks a lot! :)

  14. I struggle so much with breaststroke it's not even funny.

  15. Yesterday at a meet my coach put me in a 50 breast. I've never done it in a meet before and I started with a flutter kick…

    Biggest face palm of my life.

  16. A problem i've had with breast stroke is hurting my groin muscles on my kick. How can improve technique to avoid that problem?

  17. I just love the Breaststroke it's one of my favorite strokes!!

  18. great video! I can't swim (breastroke 50m) faster than 37 seconds, the stagnation in the results.

  19. I am a beginning swimmer, what are the top three swim goggles do you recommend? And how do you maintain them from fogging while swimming?

  20. Breaststroke technique swimming. Part 2
    평영 기법 수영. 2 부

    In the last video we talked about the importance of timing during breaststroke. We went over the first stage, which is the arm’s movement. On this video we will go over the second stage, the legs. The legs during breaststroke are essential because they will generate an important amount of propulsion of the stroke.

    지난 동영상에서, 평영을 할 때 때맞춤(timing)의 중요성에 대해 말씀드렸고, #1단계인 "팔 동작"에 대해 다루었습니다. 이번 동영상에서는 #2단계인 "다리 동작"에 대해 다루겠습니다. 추진력의 상당한 부분을 차지하므로, 평영에서 다리 움직임은 필수적입니다.

    Many beginners to the breaststroke tend to kick at a wrong time. The kick should actually start right when the hands are in the recovery stage about to shoot forward. You should bend your knees while keeping your ankles on a plantar flexion. Before the knees are completely bent, change your ankles to a dorsiflexion.

    많은 평영 초보자들이 잘못된 때(timing)에 차는 경향이 있습니다. 실제로는 손을 되돌리는 단계에 앞으로 쏠려고 하는 순간에 차기를 시작해야 합니다. 발목을 발바닥 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(plantar flexion)로 유지하면서 무릎을 굽혀야 합니다. 무릎을 완전히 굽히기 직전에, 발목을 발등 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(dorsiflexion)로 바꾸십시요.

    Out Kick
    You are now set up in a very powerful position to kick. Your hands are now extended forward and are acting as the point of an arrow, cutting the water in front for the rest of your body. Now extend your knees as fast as you can. Remember to keep your ankles on dorsiflexion to grab as much water as possible.

    바깥쪽으로 차기
    이제 아주 강력하게 찰 수 있는 자세를 취하고 있습니다. 이제 두 손이 앞으로 뻗어 있어, 몸의 다른 부분이 지나가기 쉬워지도록 맨 앞에서 물을 잘라내는, 화살촉의 역할을 하고 있습니다. 이제 최대한 빠르게 무릎을 펴십시요. 잊지 말고, 물을 최대한 잡기 위해 발목을 발등 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(dorsiflexion)로 유지하십시요.

    Inside Kick
    Now that your knees are extended, you need to do two things. Bring your feet together and put your ankles on plantar flexion. Keep your ankles like that until the recovery of the feet starts again.

    안쪽으로 차기
    이제 무릎이 펴져 있으므로, 두 가지를 해야 합니다. 두 발을 모으고 발목 자세를 발바닥 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(plantar flexion)로 바꾸십시요. 두 발을 다시 되돌리기 시작하기 전까지는 발목을 그렇게 하고 버티십시요

    As you can see, breaststroke involves all the muscles in your legs. So to gain coordination and activate all of those muscles you can practice doing this drill.

    보시다시피, 평영을 할 때는 다리에 있는 모든 근육을 사용합니다. 그 모든 근육을 활성화하고 근육 간의 협동 능력을 키우려면, 이 부분훈련을 연습하십시요.

    The third stage of the breaststroke is just as important as the other two. So make sure to subscribe and wait for the next video!
    As always I will try to reply to all of your comments.
    Thanks for watching!
    Swim fast!

    평영의 세 번째 단계는 다른 두 단계와 마찬가지로 중요합니다. 그러므로, 꼭 구독 단추을 누르고 다음 동영상을 기다려 주십시요!
    언제나처럼, 여러분의 모든 댓글에 답하려고 노력하겠습니다.
    시청해주셔서 감사합니다!
    빠르게 헤엄치세요!

    "Rollin at 5" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

    These tips and techniques will work best to help you improve dramatically your stroke if you do two things:
    1- Focus on one thing at a time
    2- Practice until you dominate that thing and move to the next.

    당신의 영법을 극적으로 향상시키는 데에, 이 비결과 기법들이 가장 효과적으로 적용되게 하려면, 다음 두 가지를 실천하십시요:
    1 – 한 번에 한 가지에만 집중하십시요.
    2 – 그 한가지를 완벽하게 할 수 있을 때까지 연습하십시요. 그런 후에야 다음 단계로 넘어가십시요.

    I will also do another series of videos for the other strokes, including starts and turns. There will also be drills and other fun stuff, so make sure to subscribe!

    발사와 벽돌기를 포함한 다른 영법들에 대한 비디오 연재물도 만들려고 합니다. 또한 부분훈련들과 재미있게 즐길 수 있는 것들도 포함하겠습니다. 그러니 잊지 말고 구독 버튼을 눌러주세요!

    I swam for 15 years in the competitive arena and I hope I can transmit my knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows me to. I plan on doing a couple of these to spread the knowledge I have acquired on swimming. I will do collaborations with people with even more knowledge and experience to do more advanced type videos.

    저는 경영 무대에서 15년을 수영해왔습니다. 유튜브가 허락하는 한 명료하고 투명하게, 제 지식을 전달할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 수영에 관하여 제가 습득한 지식을 퍼뜨리기 위해 몇가지를 계획하고 있습니다. 조금 더 나은 형태의 비디오를 제작하기 위해, 지식과 경험이 더 풍부한 사람들과 협력하겠습니다.

    Finally, what I am really passionate about is learning new skills. So the point of this channel is to spread the intrinsic joy that all humans share when we learn something new, doesn't matter how insignificant it might appear. I believe improvement makes us feel more alive and thus, if done right, make a better world.

    마지막으로, 제가 정말 열정을 갖고 있는 것은 새로운 기술을 배우는 것입니다. 그러므로 이 채널의 목적은, 그것이 비록 하찮은 것처럼 보일지라도, 새로운 것을 배울 때 모든 사람이 공통적으로 느끼는, 본질적인 기쁨을 퍼뜨리는 것입니다. 저는, 우리가 발전함으로써 살아있음을 좀 더 잘 느낄 수 있게 되고, 그럼으로써, 올바르게 행해진다면, 더 나은 세상을 만드는데 유용하다고, 믿습니다.

    So if you enjoy learning new things, swimming, dancing, drawing and other skills this channel is for you! So make sure to subscribe, watch, learn, practice and enjoy!

    그러므로, 당신이 수영, 춤, 그림, 그리 다른 것들에 관해 새로운 것 배우기를 즐겨한다면, 이 채널은 바로 당신을 위한 것입니다! 그러므로 반드시 구독 버튼을 누르셔서, 보고, 배우고, 연습하고, 즐기시기 바랍니다!

  21. 1
    00:00:00,095 –> 00:00:02,833
    Breaststroke Tutorial
    평영 교범

    00:00:03,024 –> 00:00:05,095
    Part 2
    2 부

    00:00:11,974 –> 00:00:16,341
    In the last video we talked about the importance of timing during breaststroke.
    지난 동영상에서, 평영을 할 때 때맞춤(timing)의 중요성에 대해 말씀드렸고,

    00:00:17,207 –> 00:00:20,874
    We went over the first stage, which is the arm’s movement.
    #1단계인 "팔 동작"에 대해 다루었습니다.

    00:00:21,729 –> 00:00:25,415
    On this video we will go over the second stage, the legs.
    이번 동영상에서는 #2단계인 "다리 동작"에 대해 다루겠습니다.

    00:00:27,389 –> 00:00:34,117
    The legs during breaststroke are essential because they will generate an important amount of propulsion of the stroke.
    추진력의 상당한 부분을 차지하므로, 평영에서 다리 움직임은 필수적입니다.

    00:00:34,238 –> 00:00:35,349
    1 – Recovery
    1 – 되돌리기

    00:00:35,479 –> 00:00:39,611
    Many beginners to the breaststroke tend to kick at a wrong time.
    많은 평영 초보자들이 잘못된 때(timing)에 차는 경향이 있습니다.

    00:00:40,508 –> 00:00:47,069
    The kick should actually start right when the hands are in the recovery stage about to shoot forward.
    실제로는 손을 되돌리는 단계에 앞으로 쏠려고 하는 순간에 차기를 시작해야 합니다.

    00:00:49,952 –> 00:00:54,245
    You should bend your knees while keeping your ankles on a plantar flexion.
    발목을 발바닥 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(plantar flexion)로 유지하면서 무릎을 굽혀야 합니다.

    00:00:55,462 –> 00:01:00,862
    Before the knees are completely bent, change your ankles to a dorsiflexion.
    무릎을 완전히 굽히기 직전에, 발목을 발등 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(dorsiflexion)로 바꾸십시요.

    00:01:02,330 –> 00:01:05,947
    You are now set up in a very powerful position to kick.
    이제 아주 강력하게 찰 수 있는 자세를 취하고 있습니다.

    00:01:06,270 –> 00:01:08,458
    2 – Outside kick
    2 – 바깥쪽으로 차기

    00:01:08,643 –> 00:01:11,087
    Your hands are now extended forward
    이제 두 손이 앞으로 뻗어 있어

    00:01:11,360 –> 00:01:17,227
    and are acting as the point of an arrow, cutting the water in front for the rest of your body.
    몸의 다른 부분이 지나가기 쉬워지도록 맨 앞에서 물을 잘라내는, 화살촉의 역할을 하고 있습니다.

    00:01:18,353 –> 00:01:21,096
    Now extend your knees as fast as you can.
    이제 최대한 빠르게 무릎을 펴십시요.

    00:01:21,878 –> 00:01:27,158
    Remember to keep your ankles on dorsiflexion to grab as much water as possible.
    잊지 말고, 물을 최대한 잡기 위해 발목을 발등 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(dorsiflexion)로 유지하십시요.

    00:01:27,313 –> 00:01:28,242
    3 – Inside kick
    3 – 안쪽으로 차기

    00:01:28,306 –> 00:01:32,487
    Now that your knees are extended, you need to do two things.
    이제 무릎이 펴져 있으므로, 두 가지를 해야 합니다.

    00:01:32,783 –> 00:01:36,975
    Bring your feet together and put your ankles on plantar flexion.
    두 발을 모으고 발목 자세를 발바닥 쪽으로 굽힌 상태(plantar flexion)로 바꾸십시요.

    00:01:37,726 –> 00:01:41,982
    Keep your ankles like that until the recovery of the feet starts again.
    두 발을 다시 되돌리기 시작하기 전까지는 발목을 그렇게 하고 버티십시요.

    00:01:42,990 –> 00:01:47,186
    As you can see, breaststroke involves all the muscles in your legs.
    보시다시피, 평영을 할 때는 다리에 있는 모든 근육을 사용합니다.

    00:01:47,463 –> 00:01:53,076
    So to gain coordination and activate all of those muscles you can practice doing this drill.
    그 모든 근육을 활성화하고 근육 간의 협동 능력을 키우려면, 이 부분훈련을 연습하십시요.

    00:01:54,881 –> 00:01:58,839
    The third stage of the breaststroke is just as important as the other two.
    평영의 세 번째 단계는 다른 두 단계와 마찬가지로 중요합니다.

    00:01:59,161 –> 00:02:01,970
    So make sure to subscribe and wait for the next video!
    그러므로, 꼭 구독 단추을 누르고 다음 동영상을 기다려 주십시요!

    00:02:02,206 –> 00:02:05,145
    As always I will try to reply to all of your comments.
    언제나처럼, 여러분의 모든 댓글에 답하려고 노력하겠습니다.

    00:02:05,865 –> 00:02:07,871
    Thanks for watching!
    Swim fast!
    시청해주셔서 감사합니다!
    빠르게 헤엄치세요!

    00:02:07,905 –> 00:02:09,056
    Swimmers : Melissa Rodriguez, Miguel Chavez
    Song: "Rolling at 5" – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    수영선수 : 멜리사 로드리게스, 미구엘 챠베스
    음악 : "Rolling at 5" – 케빈 맥레오드 (incompetech.com)

  22. Brilliant video. Really, really helpful. On a separate note, could you do a more detailed video on butterfly, especially with regard to proper timing and some drills to sort things out a little.


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