要游得更快,您需要提供更强大的支撑。 在我们的游泳营里,有些人的游泳技术很好,但不能加速,他们只有一个恒定的速度。 经过仔细分析,我们注意到有两个非常微妙的技能可以提高,可以让你游得更快! 00:00 – 耸肩 01:01 – Aaron 拉得更好 01:49 – 练习游泳更快 02:29 – 精简下半身 我们的旱地频道:游泳营:加入我们的 Discord(游泳社区):如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:Tik tok:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:感谢收看! 游泳快! 资料来源:
I have a question about evf: does the forearm needs to be vertical like 90 degrees with the bottom of the pool or is it ok to be diagonally pointed? I’ve heard a lot of different theories but any explanation. The majority of them tells us to do a completely straight forearm, doing 90 degrees with the bottom of the pool, but if we see ian thorpe, or tae park, they are doing a diagonally evf. Why?
Can anyone help me please??
sculling exercises helps me so much
I love the reference to Key & Peele with the swimmer's names!
Excelentes videos que haces, amazing job!!!!
Thank you very much, I have done some dry land strengthening of the scapular beforehand. I have then included your recommendation, I gained 10 seconds per 100m.
I improved by 2sc/50m just by watching this vid, thank you so much !
Follow this video series in order:
1- Swim with LESS Effort: https://youtu.be/9Wm0kyjtmaE
2- Is it really easier to kick less?: https://youtu.be/GMuYSlli3io
3- The Most Important Body Part In Swimming: https://youtu.be/CxhHPhKEtSI
4- The Speed is in Your Hands: https://youtu.be/Qnk_W5rzs2I
5- Correct Breathing: https://youtu.be/DuYAuj7DkUs
6- Correct Arm Movement: https://youtu.be/16mF-BUQRfI
7- How to swim faster: https://youtu.be/2KhqIa5ates
8- Beautiful Freestyle is the last step: https://youtu.be/mID8Mu1_nKQ
9- 5 months to swim 2.5 miles (From zero): https://youtu.be/C0uBYuBmvw4
10- The easiest way to swim: https://youtu.be/F7yP2bcoRgM
Thank you for This tips
I love the names through this series as a reference to Key & Peele; well done!
This series of swimming videos is probably the most educational resource swimming tool I've seen in the last 4-5 years of swimming. Could you do some videos on open water swimming?
Hi, I'm a coach and Im working on the swimmers breaststroke, the problem is that she is lopsided with one shoulder higher than the other, his is now causing injuries in her breaststroke. Hoe can I fix this
Hey! Can you make a video about the serape effect. And how to train these muscles in the gym.
Thank you so much for this. I swam faster today and early vertical forearm felt more natural with your shrugged shoulder technique :)
Nice Peele and Key reference ;)
Balake , A-aron …. Wait a minute …
I'm sorry to ask this kind of question: How do I know if everything you taught is true? I'm Brazilian and I really liked the format of your video, but I wanted to be sure, do you understand?
Hi Skills N' Talents , I wrote this article using google translate because my English is not good, I hope you can understand me. My nose has a bony structure. and I have a weak face. Swimming goggles give me a lot of pain because my nose is disproportionate to my face. Believe me, after swimming for an hour or two, my nose hurts, sometimes it bleeds. It hurts so bad! The height of the nose bridges sent with Speedo swimming goggles is actually THE SAME! Only the distance between the eyes increases or decreases. But my problem is the height of my nose! The nose bridge part of the swimming goggles MUST NOT touch my nose! please tell me ; Why don't Swimming Goggle brands ever think of people with big noses? WHY ?
My nose is big and high! Why does no one think of me?
I don't want to the nose bridge to touch my nose ! Not even a little touch !
I want to swim for hours without my nose hurting. Please suggest me a goggle…
잘봤습니다.캐치할때 어깨으쓱 ~감사합ㄴㄱ다
Can't wait to test this out!
Well, still playing with this and have discovered some interesting things. I have always suspected that I don't get enough full extension and body roll with my freestyle, but have never seen myself on camera. While playing with both this and the S shaped pull, these two faults seem to be very high lighted. I am slowly learning to do FULL extension instead of the 95 to 98% extension. Focusing on the catch, the set up which is high elbow and vertical forearm, then the pulling arm and front side kick on that same side are both 'locked and loaded' and then get that power/surge #1 front side kick to go along with the power section of the arm pull, which is in the 45 to 135 degree part of the arm pull arc. Not worrying about the S curve, though a little extra bend at the elbow when passing my belly button seems to happen at the same time as I roll from one side to the other. This does seem to make my stroke count less per length of the pool. Lots more Arrow freestyle in the future, and more of my over arm side stroke which enables me to focus on one arm at a time….. Lots of work to do, but I think I like it. I am not competent enough with the fly to really 'feel' this, yet. I am starting to get the 'feel' of it with freestyle and my side stroke……. Many more miles to swim….