为什么不停地游泳会让你变慢 [英语]

是时候停止不停地游泳,并在有指导的锻炼后开始! 向今天的赞助商@Therabody 致敬,感谢他们在游泳前后改善恢复和防止受伤。 看看我们最喜欢的缓解肌肉紧张和酸痛的装置:💪 🤓 阅读博客:章节:0:00 介绍 2:40 不停地游泳很无聊 3:42 你可以在高原上 5:21 你会游得更慢 7:53 你的受伤风险增加 9:07 错过游泳的好处 📲 MySwimPro 培训应用程序:🏅 VIP Facebook 群组:🚀 7 天游泳更快指南:📚 像专业书一样游泳:👕 获取 MySwimPro 商品:🏊‍♀️ 商店游泳装备:游泳技巧:⭐ 为什么每次锻炼都需要游泳 4 次泳姿:✅ 如何以完美的技巧游泳自由泳 ✍️ 如何为初学者编写游泳锻炼 🌱 游泳对健康的 10 大好处 💪 如何在 50 秒内减少 1 秒Freestyle 加入社区:📸 Instagram:🎥 Facebook:🐦 Twitter:🍭 TikTok:🌎 订阅我们的社区频道! 关于 MySwimPro:MySwimPro 是世界上排名第一的游泳者健身应用程序! MySwimPro 是一位私人教练,通过提供个性化的训练计划、锻炼、技术视频和分析,帮助 180 多个国家/地区的游泳者提高表现和健康。 MySwimPro 应用程序可在 iPhone、Android、Apple Watch 和 Garmin 智能手表上使用。 关于 Coach Fares: Fares Ksebati 是 MySwimPro 的联合创始人兼首席执行官。 他是 3 次美国个人游泳大师赛全国冠军和博斯普鲁斯海峡跨大陆游泳运动员。 Fares 是美国游泳教练协会会员和获得认证的美国铁人三项教练。 他是 Swim Like A Pro 的作者,喜欢帮助游泳者充分发挥潜力。 在社交媒体上关注他@FaresKsebati! .


关于 MySwimPro

利用MySwimPro释放您的全部潜能-游泳者的第一大游泳和旱地训练应用程序! 加入我们的全球游泳者社区,他们将通过我们量身定制的锻炼,训练计划,教育视频,分析和一对一辅导来进行训练。 通过我们的个性化培训计划,MySwimPro是满足您独特培训需求的最先进的应用程序。 非常适合每位游泳者-高级选手,健身迷,初学者,铁人三项运动员等等!

21 留言

  1. I came from long distance run. Yesterday I swan for 1h48 min. I finished because the pool was overcrowded. My trick is MUSIC. swimming croll listening to Tina Turner's Proud Mary, it's like a punch!!!

  2. How often a week should I be swimming?

  3. My first reaction to this was: nonsense. An endurance (including swimming) programme should contain a variety of stuff. That will include short fast stuff, some longer fast stuff, and some long slow stuff. Most informed coaching now advocates the 80:20 approach where the 80% bulk is very comfortable. That means long and relatively slow. On the bike or running that will mean pretty much continuous stuff. In the pool, of course, breaking the long stuff into somewhat shorter chunks with short recovery (a swig from the bottle, a glance at the watch, say hi to the others in the lane) will reduce potential boredom without adversely affecting the continuous element of the set. And on another day, get some of that 20% fast stuff in.

  4. Hi,
    But swimming non stop isn`t better for resistence?

  5. It depends. People out there have different targets. Some may use swimming as a form of meditation.

  6. Talking about boring , repetitive droning on is also boring …. keep it simple if you want to be heeded , cut the non stop salesman jargon

  7. Great Tips! Swimming is always my favorite but doing Fitness workout for more than 30 mimutes can increase the risk of injury, always take a break for a while, thanks!

  8. What about crossing long distance and triathlon? 3.800 meters and more?

  9. Awesome instructions as always! Except maybe this part: swimmer A Bob, swimmer B Annie (OCD intensifies). ; )

  10. Please! Activar la.función para traducir al español

  11. Why get Bob to be A and Annie to be B if their names start with A AND B?

  12. Swimming is like any other sport. You cant pretend to be good at it if you learn as an adult.

  13. I want train for open water on the 25 meters pool. This information is for open water too?

  14. i thought i was going crazy plateouing and slower every week. This explains it.

  15. WHY is the elbow lower than the hand.????????????????

  16. Swimmer A Bob
    Swimmer B Annie

    wha? why?

  17. This is what I like very specific and clear explanation how to improved swimming techniques.

  18. It all depends on your goals, if you are preparing for an open water swimming competition that are usually for distances of 2 km and more, I think that long distance training without stopping will be an excellent preparation.

  19. Thank you to Therabody for helping us improve recovery and prevent injury before and after a swim! Check out our favorite devices for releasing muscle tension and soreness: https://www.therabody.com/us/en-us/?utm_source=MySwimPro&utm_campaign=social

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