5蝴蝶错误尽快修复! [英语]

蝴蝶是最艰难的游泳动作……而且有充分的理由! 这里是如何提高你的技术和游得更快! _______________________________________ 加入我们的 Facebook 社区:➡️ ⬅️ 获取票价手册:➡️ ⬅️ 查看完整博客:➡️ ⬅️ 推荐游泳装备 ➡️ ⬅️ 千万不要错过#SwimTip! 订阅:➡️⬅️对于鼓舞人心的故事,订阅我们的社区频道! ➡️ ⬅️ ____________________________________________ 如何用完美的技术游泳蝴蝶➡️ ⬅️ 如何做蛙泳和蝴蝶转 | 白板星期三➡️⬅️迈克尔菲尔普斯蝴蝶分析➡️⬅️什么是早期垂直前臂? ➡️ ⬅️ ____________________________________________ 如需更多有用的游泳技巧,请在我们所有的社交渠道上关注 @MySwimPro: 博客:Facebook:Instagram:Twitter:SoundCloud:TikTok:MySwimPro 全球社区组:________________________________________ MySwimPro 是世界上排名第一的游泳者应用程序,拥有超过 1 个百万全球社区成员! 180 多个国家/地区的游泳者使用 MySwimPro 跟踪他们的锻炼并遵循个性化的游泳训练计划、视频练习以改进技术,并使用高级分析来跟踪他们的进度。 MySwimPro 可以在 iOS 和 Android 上免费下载,并与最流行的智能手表兼容。 MySwimPro 被 Apple 评为年度最佳手表应用程序,并在《体育画报》和其他国际出版物中出现。 ____________________________________________ 关于 Fares Ksebati: Fares 是 MySwimPro 的联合创始人兼首席执行官。 他是国际公认的游泳教练、美国游泳教练协会会员和美国铁人三项认证教练。 Fares 是 3 次美国游泳大师赛全国冠军,并参加过国际泳池和公开水域比赛。 他热衷于帮助人们实现个人健身和生活目标! 在社交媒体上关注他:@Fares Ksebati – MySwimPro 的 CEO 章节:0:00 介绍 0:36 抬起头 2:39 扫宽 3:53 弯曲肘部恢复 5:10 过度弯曲膝盖 6:26 呼吸模式不一致 8 :50 奖金提示! .


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利用MySwimPro释放您的全部潜能-游泳者的第一大游泳和旱地训练应用程序! 加入我们的全球游泳者社区,他们将通过我们量身定制的锻炼,训练计划,教育视频,分析和一对一辅导来进行训练。 通过我们的个性化培训计划,MySwimPro是满足您独特培训需求的最先进的应用程序。 非常适合每位游泳者-高级选手,健身迷,初学者,铁人三项运动员等等!

29 留言

  1. Great video but STOP SHOUTING. Your Voice gets rather annoying

  2. That is not true! What about kristof milak and joseph schooling their head is too high and they even break the world record

  3. Funny, before you even mentioned Marc Spitz but when you said bent elbow I immediately thought of him. Seems like he did an awful lot of extra work for that. Thinking how much faster he'd be with Phelps stroke.

  4. Thanks for your videos they was really helpful
    And actually can i get a pnj formation of your SwimPro Logo i wanna pring it on my own t-shirts
    Hopefully you will reply

  5. I am a begineer learning butterfly. This video is great, thanks for shairing.

  6. Question: At the end of the stroke when hands are furthest behind you are you supposed to squeeze your shoulders together for less drag because if you do then your elbows are more likely to bend on the recovery. Thank you great tips!


  8. Now I am so good at butterfly after watching this

  9. Forget about these mistakes my life is a big mistake . I suck at pretty much anything you can imagine .My swimming and academic careers are failing .
    My butterfly sucks by the way .

  10. SUPER helpful! I just learned how to do the butterfly stroke from this video. My back, breast and freestyle have always been strong but my butterfly was just non-existent till now.

  11. Very good!!!tarde en traducirlo (mi inglés es basico)pero valió la pena..por favor..sería de gran ayuda subtitulos en español!!!muchas gracias x los videos estoy suscrita y los veo siempre que puedo !

  12. What kind of fins is the swimmer wearing?

  13. A few times after I do the butterfly stroke my wrists are touching each other. Should I be doing a triangle like shape with my thumb and index finger after the butterfly stroke? What should I do?

  14. Thank you for the videos on the four swimming strokes can you do a video on the top 5 IM mistakes if you can

  15. Can you guys make a video about drills to do after recovering from a shoulder injury?

  16. This video is really great. I especially appreciate your point that you cannot swim butterfly "slowly." That's such a huge misconception. If you slow down, the timing of the entire stroke suffers. I also believe that all the butterfly learning videos that employ lots of slow motion footage are a big problem. When you watch the stroke in slow motion, you lose the sense of flow and that momentum you need to actually swim the stroke correctly. If you're in the water and try to emulate the slow motion videos, your stroke will not work. You can only swim butterfly fast, with momentum and a steady and strong forward motion. I find that this stroke is all about fast and fluid full-body movement that carries from one part of the stroke into the next.

  17. Wow! This video was just great. Thank you so much.

  18. Interestingly, the image of Mark Spitz showed him out of the water to chest level, head completely above the water. I have no idea how he ever managed to swim world record 200m butterfly like that. Sayng it was the 70's won't cut it because it must have taken a hell f a lot of effort to swim like that. Spitz was my all-time swimming hero back in the 70's. I'm shocked to think today I probably swim a tecnically better stroke than he did.

  19. There is definitely a minimum possible speed swimming butterfly, but you can totally swim slower than you would while sprinting.

  20. Wanted to say thank you for the don't go slow tip. As someone still trying to figure this stroke out at all, I tend to try and slow down to think about technique and then get frustrated.

  21. Saying to someone keep your arms straight on butterfly is like saying don't lift your head on freestyle. Doesn't matter how much you say it, it doesn't make a difference.

    The reason for both is head position. Chin up = headlift on freestyle and bent arms on Butterfly.

  22. Thank you that was really helpful

  23. I certainly know the feeling for the first 25 on the butterfly. lol.

  24. My favorite stroke unless it’s a 200

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