如何通过间歇训练更快地游泳 [英语]

无论您是新手锻炼者,还是已经锻炼多年的人,间歇训练都可以帮助您提高锻炼常规。 考虑一下好处:-您将提高技巧:通过重复但短暂的休息,您将训练自己的身体,使其仅在更高的身体姿势和更高的速度下游泳。 -您将消耗更多的卡路里:在运动中短暂休息可使您以更高的强度进行训练,从而提高您的心律。 -改善有氧运动能力:随着心血管健康状况的改善,您将能够训练更长,更快,效率更高的训练。 -增加了种类:一遍又一遍地游泳相同的例程会变得无聊和单调。 当您进行间歇训练时,您可以完成的工作没有限制。 -无需任何设备:您只需要在游泳池或手腕上安装一个时钟即可。 即使您没有时钟,也可以通过重复之间的呼吸计数进行间隔训练。


关于 MySwimPro

利用MySwimPro释放您的全部潜能-游泳者的第一大游泳和旱地训练应用程序! 加入我们的全球游泳者社区,他们将通过我们量身定制的锻炼,训练计划,教育视频,分析和一对一辅导来进行训练。 通过我们的个性化培训计划,MySwimPro是满足您独特培训需求的最先进的应用程序。 非常适合每位游泳者-高级选手,健身迷,初学者,铁人三项运动员等等!

11 留言

  1. The numbers you used as an example are perfect for what I am aiming for. How many times a week are you assuming one is swimming? Daily? Likewise, please share any formulas you know for taking one's fastest 100 yd time and then figuring out how many seconds to add to get a good interval time range.

    My current pace is 9 x 200 at 3:12. My goal is to get down to 10×200 yds free @3:00, what I used to swim in college and about 6 years ago. I am kind of hitting a wall at 3:12 with barely any time to rest. At my best, I think I used to get 5 to 10 seconds rest. Doing it in a group is much easier than by yourself.

    I wonder what the comparable times are for IM or specific strokes. What factor/multiplier do you recommend?

  2. This is probably a silly question, but how did you come up with 15 seconds of rest? Was that a number you just picked? Or is there a way to calculate how much rest you should take? Thanks!

  3. I swim @ 25yd pool and a 25meter pool. A solid mile every other day. It takes me all in 45 min. Then stretch . How can I mix it up with different strokes and speed. I am a freestyler with skills. Thx

  4. They way my coach has us do this is that the interval is the time we have to swim. Say our interval is 1:25, and we swim a 1:20, then a 1:22, the rest we'd get would be 5 seconds and 3 seconds respectively.

  5. these speeds are really fast!as a female swimmer,I cannot never reach this speed

  6. And my brain finally understands the workouts in the app (well in theory…. once I’m in the pool who knows lol)

  7. Can’t stop watching .

  8. Great video! Ever considered doing a video on benefits and drawbacks and the science behind doubling?

  9. So say I train 2 hours a day 5 days a week. If my triceps are sour after a workout should I still do the 2 hour practice the next day?

  10. Great video :) how many times a week can i swim this interval?

  11. Nice beard bro. But…doesn't it slow you down? :)

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