- 自由泳入门,打腿配合换气练习 Getting started with freestyle , kicking and breathing exercises
- 初学者自由泳配合三字诀,轻,飘,浮。 Getting started with freestyle,Freestyle swimming with three-character tactics
- 自由泳入门,手臂动作与换气配合教学Getting started with freestyle,Teaching of arm movements and breathing
- 自由泳提高系列第一课,打腿与换气强化训练 Freestyle kicking and breathing intensive training
- 游泳跳出发教学第一课 swimming jump start teaching.
- 游泳跳出发第三课,完整跳出发动作教学 Swimming complete jump start action teaching
- 游泳练习生教学系列自由泳1 Swimming beginner freestyle teaching1
- 游泳练习生教学系列自由泳2 自由泳身体散怎么搞,陆上力量不能少! Swimming beginner freestyle teaching2
- 自由泳入门,高肘抱水及曲肘移臂2 Getting started with freestyle,High elbow hold water and elbow move arm