- 自由泳提高系列第三課,常見的自由泳水下錯誤動作糾正!水下動作好,效果差不了哈哈Correction of common freestyle underwater wrong movements
- 乾貨!教練!我想學潛水,我想一直在水下游!I want to be underwater all the time!
- 蛙泳初學者第五課,蛙泳手臂動作水下教學!Breaststroke underwater arm action Teaching
- 蛙泳水下長劃臂!做好長劃臂,省時又省力!Breaststroke underwater long arm stroke!
- 自由泳提高系列第二課,提高手臂划水效果 Freestyle to improve the effect of arm stroke
- 游泳練習生教學系列自由泳1 Swimming beginner freestyle teaching1
- 自由泳滾翻轉身教學 自由泳滾翻教學 Freestyle roll turn
- 自由泳提高系列第一課,打腿與換氣強化訓練 Freestyle kicking and breathing intensive training
- 游泳練習生教學系列自由泳2 自由泳身體散怎麼搞,陸上力量不能少! Swimming beginner freestyle teaching2