- 蛙泳初學者手腿配合常見的錯誤動作,游得好首先得學會慢哦!Breaststroke hands and legs with common mistakes!
- 蛙泳腿常見的幾個錯誤動作 Common mistakes in the legs when swimming breaststroke!
- (24) 自由式常見五個手部動作問題點及改善方法The 5 most common mistakes of Freestyle posture of hands.
- 蛙泳提高系列第六課!手腿配合節奏講解 Breaststroke hands and legs with rhythm explanation
- (25) 自由式常見四個身體動作問題點及改善方法The 5 most common mistakes of Freestyle posture of body.
- 自由式常見四個頭部動作問題點及改善方法The 4 most common mistakes of Freestyle posture of head.(重傳)
- 蛙泳初學者第六課,手腿配合節奏練習!Breaststroke hands and legs with rhythm exercises
- 自由泳提高系列第三課,常見的自由泳水下錯誤動作糾正!水下動作好,效果差不了哈哈Correction of common freestyle underwater wrong movements
- 蛙泳為啥一換氣就沉下去!!別慌,問題就出在這裡!大家來對號入座哈哈哈!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe?