5 条无人教的重要提示(保证改进) [英语][干货满满SwimUp]

你想顺利学会自由泳吗? 记住这 5 个最重要的完美自由泳技巧。 在本视频中,我将简要向您展示 5 个最重要的自由泳游泳元素。 跟随它们,您的游泳将变得顺畅而轻松,因此您可以高速游长距离而不会感到疲倦。 首先,我会教你游泳时如何呼吸。 一旦你掌握了正确的呼吸节奏,游泳对你来说就不再困难了。 记住在游泳时呼出水中的空气,并在将头转向一侧后立即吸气。 然后,您将学习如何踢游泳。 许多游泳者在踢得太用力时会犯错误。 这让他们很快就疲倦了。 所以你需要学会用正确的节奏冷静地踢球。 这将节省您游泳的能量。 此外,您还将了解如何以正确的轨迹进行自由式手臂划水。 手臂划水为我们提供了最大的速度,这就是正确执行它很重要的原因。 最后,我将向您展示如何使您的自由泳游泳超级流畅。 您需要降低防水性,同时使用您的速度进行滑行。 这将帮助您获得尽可能高的游泳速度。 这些游泳技巧和窍门是独一无二的,将对您的游泳有很大帮助。 #自由泳#SwimUp


关于 SwimUp

SwimUp 是一个平台,游泳者可以在此学习正确的游泳技术并更快地游泳。我相信,每个人都可以学习任何游泳动作,游泳任何距离。我的频道就是教你最实用最适合你的游泳技巧,分享游泳秘诀,讲解如何正确训练,提高游泳水平。因此,如果您是初学者、业余爱好者或铁人三项运动员,想要提高游泳水平以提高游泳技术和速度,请务必立即订阅我的频道。如您所见,我的频道发布的视频侧重于学习游泳、技术建议、最有用的练习、独特的游泳练习以及来自像您这样的订阅者的问题。

21 留言

  1. My favourite swimming channel, glad to see you update :3

  2. Best vídeos ever!!! Thank you so much. I'm from Brazil!

  3. love all of your video, very useful for me as a beginner swimmer

  4. Какие вы молодцы, отличное видео, жалко я не все поняла, но видео помогает понять характер движений. Я ваш фанат, пловец и комментатор техники – профи..

  5. I love your videos mate. Thank you!

  6. Great great tutorial !!! Will watch it before my next swim

  7. very good explaning ..thank u

  8. These videos are great but I'm still in paddling phase. Any advise on how to get to this phase of swimming?

  9. Hi ! Im a dancer and i was thinking about replacing my regular gym workouts with a good swimming session. I just go to the gym because i like it , just to keep in everything in check and sometimes work on something specific if i feel like i need it so since i dont have a particular goal i was thinking swimming would be more fun ! Although i would still like to target more some areas so i can make that time as useful as posdible for me . What would the best stroke be to target more the adductors , hamstrings and core? (i know all of these will be used a lot in every stroke but is there one where they are tha main star?)

  10. Dziękuję wam za ten materiał. Rozwiązał moje problemy.

  11. Believe in yourself everything will open up.

  12. hey Evgeny, can you do a video for tumble turns, and entry diving?

  13. Respiration se exhala todo dentro del agua?? O solo un poquito??

  14. Great video, good for beginners like me!

  15. Thanks for the great advice.
    I will try it in the next swim.
    from Tokyo.

  16. Hi
    Why do I'm having double vision after swimming?

  17. thanks friend for sharing this important advices in this video. I think the chin in the chest is a very important advice as exhale all air into the water, also thanks for the tips for improve kicks my english language is bad greetings from Mexico

  18. I love this YT channel ❤️


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