更快、更有效地游泳 – 在水中伸直的正確姿勢 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在本視頻中,我們將學習在水中挺直身體以更快、更有效地游泳的技巧。 很多人在游泳時都有身體不直的問題,這會產生很大的阻力。 更多的阻力等於更多的游泳能量,這根本沒有效率。 不要忘記與您的朋友和家人分享視頻,這樣他們也可以學習游泳! 此視頻的主題: 游泳更快 游泳有效 游泳時保持臀部向下 游泳時修復下沉的腿 游泳更長的距離 游泳時修復疲勞


關於 Swimming Lessons

8 留言

  1. Thanks alot you are the best tutor❤

  2. Just wanted to say that I implemented the breathing ummmm pah and was able to go into the deep end of the pool

  3. How to lift yourself up while floating?

  4. Hey! Me again What state are you in?

  5. I'm so happy to see you back. I was wondering if I could do a swim less in with you after, we're able to travel.

  6. Hello captain, how long is the course and how much it costs – thanks


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