成人初學者游泳課 – 仰泳和仰泳練習(第 2 課) [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

這個初學者游泳課程視頻教你如何仰卧漂浮和正確地進行仰泳。 游泳的第 2 課是學習仰卧在水中漂浮,以便在學習進一步游泳之前獲得信心。 在學習了仰卧漂浮之後,我們將學習如何在水中擺動踢腿。 該視頻是成人初學者系列的第一課。 通過 Patreon 支持我 電子郵件 [email protected] 在 Facebook 上點贊並關注我們 Nitro Mike Jonny 在 Twitter 上關注我們 Nitro Mike Jonny 在 Instagram 上關注我們 Nitro Jonny (me) 在 Reddit Jonny (me) 上關注我 我們的官方網站:也請查看www.swimcapz.com


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12 留言

  1. wooowwwwww he is a very good teacher…we can see that it's the first time of Gloria to try this

  2. Where do you live MIKEY?
    What State? American Patriot?

  3. To everyone who sees this, you are beautiful just the way you look! Always stay positive, stay kind and nice, and do not be mean to others! BE loving and caring! You do not need any change to your beautiful body to look beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look! Never forget this message! You are important and special! You are meaningful and valuable! Never forget that!

  4. Sir did u do swimming lesson ,I'm interest to do class with u

  5. Hello Mike! great videos and techniques for teaching. In which facility do you provide the teaching lessons? Bee Cave, Cedar Park or Fort Wayne?

  6. Thnkx, am learning alot with u

  7. Please do a open water swimming technique video

  8. I am watching the lesson lying on my bed from Bosaso town Somalia.

  9. Hello
    I would like to thanks you for those lessons, because I'm one of those who don't know how to swim , even though that I would like to learn but meanwhile I'm learning watching your video.

  10. sir i need talk to u +8801852676779

  11. Wish you traveled around the country teaching !!! Am sure many of us would sign up!!


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