游泳是最糟糕的。 28個理由 [英語][Skills NT]

游泳最糟糕的28個原因,但視頻的信息在原因之後。 1- 我們不是天生就有鱗片、鰓或鰭。 2- 我們的手指和腳趾沒有蹼。 3- 我們是從水裡進化出來的,游泳者堅持要回去,為什麼? 4-游泳是重複的。 5- 如果你不認識游泳運動員,看比賽會很無聊。 6- 有一半的時間,即使是教練也會厭倦觀看游泳運動員。 7- 如果沒有足夠的氯,水池就會臟。 8- 當他們吃夠了時,你必須戴上愚蠢的泳帽,否則你的頭髮會變綠。 9- 在化學水中時間過長,您的皮膚會變得乾燥。 10- 泳帽總是有點太緊。 11- 你的大部分身體都暴露在外。 12- 你可能會不小心喝水。 13- 你沒有堅實的地板可以依靠來移動。 14- 手臂的頭頂重複運動在大多數中風中會導致很多肩部受傷。 而蛙泳運動員則傷到膝蓋。 15- 你游得越好,你必須游得越遠才能保持體形,因為你的肌肉每圈做的努力少一點。 16- 由於熵,你在水中燃燒的卡路里比在陸地上多,所以更難恢復。 17- 如果您每天游泳兩次,您會感到酸痛,大多數競技游泳運動員都會這樣做。 18- 你必須早起進行晨練。 19- 鍛煉時不能和隊友說太多。 20- 護目鏡總是起霧或進水。 21- 競技泳衣價格昂貴且非常緊身。 22- 你在短短几秒鐘或幾分鐘的比賽中就進行了大量訓練。 23- 你不能很清楚地看到你的競爭對手。 24- 當人們歡呼時,游泳者幾乎不可能聽到。 25- 我只能認為同步和游泳是僅有的兩種在做困難的事情時必須屏住呼吸的運動。 我的意思是我也想衝浪,但很常見。 至少在同步的情況下,他們有水下音樂。 26- 在奧運會之外,這不是一項受歡迎的運動,因此,職業游泳運動員的錢並不多。 27- 你必須投入的時間讓你很難在游泳圈之外結交朋友。 28- 有些人說它毫無意義,甚至不是一項真正的運動……所以讓我們看看,如果運動是,正如漢克格林所說的那樣「對人類技能和智力以及努力工作和毅力的慶祝」。 然後游泳必須是……我最喜歡的慶祝方式之一。 也許游泳是我最喜歡的,因為它不是最簡單的運動。 游泳快如果你喜歡游泳,你會喜歡我們的網頁: Tik tok:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品: Instragram:Facebook:GoPro:Kai Lenny Surfs Jaws – World Surf League 2018 游泳 | 女子 50m 蝶泳 S7 決賽 | 里約 2016 年殘奧會游泳男子 100 米仰泳 – S6 決賽 – 倫敦 2012 年澳大利亞殘奧會在接力金牌的途中創造了新的世界紀錄 美國打破女子 4 x 100 米混合泳世界紀錄 | 2012 年倫敦奧運會澳大利亞創造新的奧運會 4 x 100 米自由泳紀錄 – 倫敦 2012 年裡約奧運會重播:女子 100 米自由泳決賽 | 女子 50m 蝶泳 S7 決賽 | 2016 里約殘奧會游泳男子 100 米仰泳 – S6 決賽 – 倫敦 2012 年倫敦殘奧會勒克洛斯衝擊菲爾普斯 – 男子 200 米蝶泳 | 2012 年倫敦奧運會美國的 Ervin 贏得男子 5000 萬免費金牌#swimming #sport 感謝觀看! 游得快!


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

18 留言

  1. Ok but swimming is not all that bad and it keeps you in shape, it is also a full body sport so it exercises your whole body instead of one or two parts.

  2. Ummmm he doesn』t know what a swim cap does lol. It literally is there to create less drag not to protect your hair from chlorine. Water still gets into the cap anyways lol

  3. My parents we're going to a swimming pool on the weekend and they want me to bring swimming trunks i already told them i don't like swimming i hate it i know how to swim but i hate doing it water always splashes in my face and people are so careless some people do alot of kicking in the water and they always get in the way and the water burns my eyes if i go under water i stopped swimming a long time ago

  4. I started running after I stopped swimming, and as a skinny guy, I can 100% say that running is way more fun and rewarding for me personally.

    You can run pretty much anywhere anytime, you don』t have to jump into a cold pool, you go super fast compared to swimming, you can listen to music, it』s way less expensive, races are way more common… etc. Just think about it…

    Running is the one sport that humans are actually built for. You can』t swim faster than a dolphin or even a pond fish, but you might be able to beat a horse in a marathon on a hot day.

  5. All the reasons that you listed are the ways that makes swimming the hardest sport

  6. Swimming is the worst, except it』s literally the best

  7. The peaceful and relaxing feeling after a swim.

  8. I hope this is a joke yes swimming races may be boring to watch but running just a few metres is boring and either way this is offensive to people so don't post stuff like this again..

  9. Weird people: swimming isn』t a sport.

    Me: your weird, (backs up 20 feet.)

  10. The thing that i like about swimming is the motivation and celeberation u get after breaking ur time even if it's just a sec and also the motivation of ur coach and teammates when u push ur limits but the things that i dislike about swimming is when the water is really cold and when there's too many people in the same area that makes it almost impossible to swim steadily and also the amount of hardwork u do just for breaking a couple of seconds and of course the worst thing about swimming is shoulder injurys it really sucks i even have one right now and it really makes swimming a nightmare , but to be fair all these disadvantages of swimming vanishes away when i feel the warm water slipping over my body .

  11. I like swimming the most and almost all of it is i like….

    About the dislike uhhh

    butterfly: hello there

  12. I have been moved, anyway i love swimming

  13. Great video, thanks. Everything's so true except that shooting involves breath holding and doing sonething difficult. And as for biathlon, a combination an aerobic exercise mixed with the need for calm and control…

  14. There's always someone faster when I'm in the pool; even if it's only me. How, because I want to go faster, and my ambition is faster than me!


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