游泳自由泳模擬訓練 – 第 4 集 [英語][Skills NT]

在這一系列視頻中,我們將模擬游泳動作,並使用我們在每次游泳時使用的相同肌肉。 我們不會有前奏或長尾。 那是因為我們希望您能夠在準備好並開始鍛煉時播放視頻。 這種方法的缺點是你沒有一個強大的熱身程序結構化。 因此,如果您覺得需要事先熱身,可以使用此視頻: 1- 後備懸垂俯卧撐 2- 在地板上旋轉 T 型脊柱 3- 踢肚子 4- 在地板上游泳並扭動 5- 布洛克隨機俯卧撐6- 單臂屈臂轉換 7- 站立膝蓋到肘部 8- 自由彎曲 9- 將手向後仰 10- 蹲到高手 11- 快速蹲到高手 12- 休息 13- 向後翻滾 14- 俯卧撐腿轉換15- Cobra 俯卧撐如果您想購買我們的彈力帶套件,請單擊此處:如果您喜歡游泳,您會喜歡我們的網頁:Tik tok:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:Instragram:Facebook:感謝觀看! 游得快! 歌曲:曲目:Julius Dreisig & Zeus X Crona – Invisible [NCS Release] NoCopyrightSounds 提供的音樂。 觀看:免費下載/流:。


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

29 留言

  1. Pleese translate i don't know i can't not speak English

  2. Do not the 「 swimming 「 if you have Spondylolisthesis. Thank you

  3. Cool i now may swimm hahahaha

  4. dahil dito eto gagawin naming practical activity sa pe.. joke lang po ansakot sa likod ng…

    cobra push up

  5. 1- Backup to cliffhanger pushups (0:06)
    2- T-spine rotation on the floor (0:13)
    3- Kick on stomach (0:27)
    4- Swim on floor with twist (0:37)
    5- Brock shuffle push ups (0:53)
    6- Pike one arm switch (1:13)
    7- Standing knee to elbow (1:28)
    8- Bent over free (1:49)
    9- Switch hands back up (2:11)
    10- Squat to high hands (2:27)
    11- Faster squat to high hands (2:37)
    12- Rest (X)
    13- Roll over back (2:44)
    14- Push ups leg switch (2:48)
    15- Cobra push ups (3:01)

  6. Even though I am starting my running training next week…

    I am still going to work on doing my dryland Swimming Simulation workout as well as the swim core workouts because..
    I DONT want to lose my Swimming rotator muscles & my strength when I start swim season again in January 2021!! I want to stay in swim fit! And I DO NOT want to start ALL over again like everyone else!!

  7. Thank you si much for making these swimming stimulation videos. I』ve been away from pools since the outbreak of Covid. These are great exercises for this time!

  8. wow ,it's a great core workout!

  9. Government :work from home
    Swimmers : 0:28

  10. Yess I can swim I did not think of these

  11. Will share my swimmers, thanks a lot,stay safe

  12. Wow. This would get me back to shape till i get back to the pool. I miss the smell of chlorine.

  13. Amazingg this is the closest thing I'll be doing related to swimming!

  14. Thank you! For a moment I felt I was in the swimming pool :)

  15. Thank you, been waiting for this video. Was using the 15mins and 16 mins Core Workouts while I waited!

  16. will do this with my swim group kids. thanks a lot!!!! where is your club? greeting from munich, germany.

  17. Great great I was expecting for this. It would be nice this kind of exercise for every style.

  18. Would be more fun than typical dryland workout. Will try.

  19. Good good! i can't swimming because of Corona

  20. Very nice, can you put translate arabic in videos

  21. Hola muy bueno todos los vídeos , una consulta tendrán ejercicios para trabajar la tracción, pero sin banda elástica o con que elemento la podes suplantar?
    En esta cuarentena no permite ir al agua y no cuento con banda elástica.


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