所有游泳者的骨頭都軟軟的嗎? [英語][Skills NT]

游泳是一項低衝擊力和非負重運動。 你的身體沒有恆定的重量壓在你的骨頭或關節上。 您也不會像跑步時那樣經常撞到地面。 這顯然對你的骨骼有益。 或者是嗎? 00:00 – 鬆軟的骨頭? 00:12 – 無衝擊運動 00:27 – 游泳者離開水面受傷 00:48 – 靈活性 01:41 – 游泳者不是很靈活 02:25 – 旱地資料來源:Riewald, Scott A.; 里瓦爾德,斯科特。 游泳更快的科學(運動科學)。 Human Kinetics, Inc.。Kindle 版。 游泳會吸引特定類型的天生靈活的人。 靈活有助於游泳者進入其他正常人無法達到的位置。 這就是所謂的全方位運動。 靈活的關節可以為手和腳提供更好更有效的角度。 這些角度在水中產生戰略壓力以更快地前進。 我們的旱地頻道:游泳營:加入我們的 Discord(游泳社區):如果你喜歡游泳,你會喜歡我們的網頁:Tik tok:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:Instragram:Facebook:感謝觀看! 游得快!


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

29 留言

  1. I reckon they have different gene activation also from spending so many years in the water

  2. Yes… i got shin splints after trying to switch to Track and Field after swimming, then I went back to swimming.

  3. I feel immortal in water

    Until i start drowning

  4. In italiano per cortesia grazie perché è molto interessante…..

  5. The study should also control for which flexible swimmers are diagnosed with EDS-Hypermobility, a condition that makes the body unable to process collagen properly and leads to hyper flexibility in the tendons and joints. I was a Synchronized swimmer all my life and wasn't diagnosed until recently but it explains why I am definitely prone to injury in or out of the water

  6. The Gospel: We sin against God and for our sins we deserve hell. We fall short of God』s perfect standard for heaven. But the good news is we have a way to be forgiven, that way is through Jesus. Because he loved the world, he came, lived a sinless life then died on the cross for our sins, paying the price which is death. He was buried and rose again on the third day. Through Jesus we can be forgiven of our sins. If we put our faith in him we will be saved ✝️❤️.

  7. Where can you swim fast? I used to be fast, but with no pool available – I'm not fast – but still flexible. Try this, on the floor butt up to the wall w/legs up for 20 minutes a day. It does wonders for you. HIT & Tabata & cycling are filling the void – but I'm a fish out of water….

  8. This makes so much sense, I used to be a swimmer before I quit for another sport due to the time commitment of both sports. After I quit swimming my shoulders lost strength and due to them being super flexible I lost stability in them that I had gained from swimming and I always had sore shoulders after playing a sport like netball due to my main sport (field hockey) not doing that range of motion.

  9. Full range of motion or hyperextension?

  10. I think its really just loose shoulders more than anything else. And most athletes are more flexible, since they train.

  11. Should i even bother trying to be a 10k runner?

  12. "Swimming attracts a specific kind of naturally flexible people."

    Really? I started swimming competitively at the age of 4 , and continue to swim for exercise to this day, almost 40yrs later. I'm not flexible at all.
    I think what you meant to say was that elite swimmers generally have a specific body type that precludes them to being highly efficient in their movements in the water (i.e. long torsos and arms with shorter legs. This sets their hips lower than the average person's, which allows for maximum drive and stability through the core into the legs, with the shorter legs allowing for quicker kick/recovery movements).

  13. As a competitive swimmer for 10 yrs and counting: I kinda object with the idea that swimmers are more injury prone. I myself run or do weight sessions extremely rarely but whenever I do, my personal trainers are always impressed by how proper my techniques and posture are all thanks to swimming. So if anything, more flexibility in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments improves strength and joint impact tolerance. Sometimes, even muscle building (not that you need big muscles in swimming. Only raw strength and endurance.)

  14. Yo solo vine a decir que suena mejor el "swim fast" que el "nada rápido". Aunque sean lo mismo.

  15. I』d say the most important body part to be flexible is your shoulders and ankles(if you want to swim fast). I didn』t stretch my left shoulder for a week and my left tricep get tired after 200m freestyle while my right arm just won』t feel any soreness.

  16. Amazing videos ………

  17. I was so flexible as a kid swimmer that I got my legs behind my neck. I am not quite there anymore….

  18. You upload helpful videos. Will explosive breathing stop water from entering nose when breathing.

  19. Is this some evil YouTube algorithm at work?
    I've a got the frozen shoulder syndrome and can barely lift my elbow above the arm pit level. And I'm fond of swimming, but it will take 1 to 3 years to recover. So not much of a swimming for me till 2023 :-(

  20. We need before swimming workout video's please

  21. Hola qué tal!!! Te sigo desde hace tiempo pero en español. Puedes hacer los mismos videos pero en español.

  22. Love your voice. Thanks for the tips!

  23. Hey, I commented on another one of your videos how you sound "exactly" like a computer. Now, it appears, you "are" a computer generate. Just a pigment of our imagination. Simply amazing. "Squishy bones" LOL.

  24. Love your advices bro❤️❤️

  25. I took up swimming, again some 10 years back to prepare for hip and knee replacement. The zero impact and aerobic were the main reasons. There is a local business that specializes in isometric type exercises and they test you for 'osteoporosis' by some little electronic thing, and they test the radius in your forearm, which of course is not the weight bearing bone in that part of your arm…. When I talked to him about swimming he commented that swimmers had weak bones because swimming wasn't weight bearing and he tested a young swimmer who had osteoporosis, and he figured it was because of swimming. Best guess from me is that he doesn't know how to swim…. Might have to challenge him to see if he can at least make it to the end of the pool…. I do cross train, biking and hiking. Never liked running, but can't do it now, even if I wanted.

  26. As always, your videos are awesome! Thank you so much!

  27. Whats the name of the pool that you go to practice at

  28. Por favor en español ..gracias !!!!


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