這個視頻不會讓你游得更快 [英語][Skills NT]

遺憾的是,您沒有通過觀看 YouTube 視頻來學習游泳。 我知道這聽起來很明顯,但我們經常在 YouTube 上觀看我們希望做的事情的視頻。 對我來說,這些都是很棒的 GoPro 視頻,對你來說,可能是這個頻道或其他頻道。 當我們看到某人做他們擅長的事情時,我們甚至會覺得有點成就感,因為這就是我們大腦的工作方式。 例如,在一段很酷的衝浪視頻結束時,我可能無法完全感受到衝浪者的感受,但我確實感到很興奮,幾乎覺得我知道如何更好地衝浪。 但我只上網過一次,我懷疑我只是通過觀看視頻而變得更好。 事實上,有這麼多小時的練習和我看不到的小細節,讓我覺得衝浪比實際更容易。 公平地說,我可能會在智力上學習關於下次練習時應該關注什麼的新技巧,但尤其是在游泳或衝浪等身體活動中,如果我們不鍛煉我們的另一種智力,即動覺智力,我們就會沒有改善。 所有這些都是為了說我希望您不僅在觀看我們的視頻,而且希望您實際上受到啟發去實踐我們分享的內容。 我們在 youtube 上製作游泳視頻已經三年了,我們閱讀了幾乎所有的評論,但我相信你們中的大多數人都沒有給我們任何反饋。 所以,這次請讓我們知道我們的視頻是否幫助您游得更好,或者您是否更有動力去游泳。 我期待著閱讀您的評論! GoPro 大獎:與海豚一起衝浪 GoPro 大獎:暴風浪衝浪 GoPro:Kai Lenny Surfs Jaws – 2018 年世界衝浪聯盟 GoPro 衝浪:Filipe Toledo 的 Massive Alley Oop Air 如果您喜歡游泳,您會喜歡我們的網頁:感謝觀看! 游得快!


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

34 留言

  1. It was so nice to watch your videos like everyday. These days you don't post a lot as you did in the past. I think you might be spending your time for new challenges at the moment. I hope things work out best for you wherever you are or whatever you do. Happy new year♡

  2. I just discovered your channel. I am learning how to swim and your videos are high quality! I train several times a week, have a coach and keep learning on Internet after the training.
    Right after posting this comment I'm going to train, especially the horizontal posture. Thank you!

  3. Sorry for retroposting. I』ve been wanting to comment but only recently have had the time. I』m an adult who』s been trying to learn to swim with little or no success for the past 7 years. I commented on your video 2 Reasons Why Learning to Swim is Hard.
    I know full well that just watching YouTube videos isn』t enough to learn to swim or anything else. You have to go to a pool physically and put in the hard, tedious practice.
    One problem I have is something I call 「pool anxiety」. I』ve heard of the problem of 「gym anxiety」 and I suspect it』s a lot like that. Swimming pools and their environment just aren』t inviting places for me. I feel self-conscious at them, especially when just about everyone but me, including children and old people, are jumping into and swimming in the deep end, and I』m flailing around clumsily in the shallow end with a buoyancy belt on. The young life guards have cold, worried, bored, or disgusted looks on their face when they even bother to glance at me. Unlike with my running, in which I feel a reasonable competence and solidarity with other runners, I just don』t feel part of the swimmer culture, the scene.
    Of course, this is my own problem. More videos won』t help.
    As for giving you feedback, I think your channel is aimed much more at people who already know how to swim and are aiming for excellence. I』m not in that class or even trying to be. I』m aiming for basic competence, and as I』ve just said, that requires some consistent real-life practice.
    I』ve tried finding swimming buddies, but nobody』s been interested. Lessons are a bit out of my price range. Professional psychology is much too expensive, and I reserve the right to doubt its theories. I』m not the only one.
    What some swimming teacher or teachers need to do is start some program that addresses the hardcore of hard cases like me. People who can』t seem to float, tread water, panic in the deep end, etc. Most of the videos just repeat each other and don』t really address our hard case problems. I』m not saying you should do this. It may not be your thing, and that』s okay. But it』d be great if there were some kind of support group for swimmer wannabes who』ve tried but haven』t succeeded. Just a thought.

  4. i watch whenever i have a swim meet and other days

  5. In the last couple of years, I』ve learnt to swim all five strokes (altho』 my backstroke, fly & sidestroke need a lot more work) purely from YouTube videos including your own, and have gradually got faster using all the tips from here & similar programmes. I don』t go swimming v.often and do zero cross training, but have nevertheless graduated from nearly drowning to the slow lane to middle lane to fast lane of my local pool, predicated on swim tips. I am yet to start learning the Trudgeon stroke, as I wanted to try to perfect my crawl first.

  6. Actually I have just started to practice swimming and I learned a lot from your channel. However I still need time to be a not bad swimmer. Thanks for your helpful videos and I hope that I will learn more from your next one .

  7. I watched your video about
    「leg cramp 「
    「Swim with open or closed finger」
    「And about side breathing」
    I am working on it

    I hope you make a video about dolphin kick on you back without nose clips

    Awesome content
    Keep up the good work

  8. I am a 29yr old black South African female who steered clear from the water mainly because 'duh black people don't swim' and 'duh I can't get water in my hair'. After being a 'Google swimmer' for over 3 years I decided to take the plunge, let go of my deeply ingrained stereotypes and fears and got a swim coach. It's been 8 weeks now and the only thing I can say to you is I've gone from not being able to even float in water to learning to swim freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke in 8 weeks – my coach says I'm a ''natural swimmer" and I say bulls**t. Your swimming tutorials and workouts have me looking like a boss in the pool AND I've saved a lot of money I would have spent on lessons and more coaches. Now I just have to keep getting in that pool, watching your videos and perfecting my technique. I'll try the butterfly stroke thereafter. Your passion has made me more comfortable in the water and willing to learn. Keep up the excellent work..! Love & support all the way from South Africa. :-)

  9. Ustedes me ayudaron en todo, entre a nadar hace 2 años y la verdad no aguantaba ni 1000m nadando pero sus videos, su pasión por el deporte, de alguna manera tambien me contagiaron esa pasión. Hoy en día puedo decir que nado 3000m sin problemas. Graciass de verdad sigan así, sus videos me han ayudado en mucho

  10. A mí me motivan para mejorar en las brazadas pero más en la patada es donde se me dificulta. Y con sus videos trato de aplicarlos por qué solo voy 2 veces a nadar

  11. I am the leader of swimming in Korea. Korea has a high swimming population but still tends to teach swimming in an unscientific way. So I study and research and try to teach comfortable swimming, efficient swimming. Your videos are helping me to make an ideal swim. Ideal swimming I think is logic, training, and proof. I would appreciate your steady upload. I do not speak English, so I make comments with translator. I do not know if the translation worked well.

  12. Really appreciate what you doing. I do practice a lot and learn a lot from it too. Thank you

  13. Hello! Can you talk about the different head positions in breaststroke? Which one of them is better? Thank you!

  14. Hey ur videos helped me swim faster. But I have another doubt is straight arm push better for Sprint freestyle or bending better?

  15. Dont worry, watching your skillfull videos is part of the learning process. Neurology teaches us, that we all harbour mirror neurons in our brain. And mirror neurons love watching and feeling they are part of the business. Watching, rembering, feeling and practicing are just part of embracing a new task. Thanks for sharing your beautiful knowledge.

  16. I have definitely improved. I need to practice a lot in order to make the exact movement, though. It's tough!!!

  17. Hello from Brazil, I learned how to swim basically watching your vídeos! I started not knowing how to do bubbles, breath or stay in streamline; and now, 1year later, I can swim well the 4 styles! Thanks for helpping and motivating me and others

  18. We are really sorry for not commenting tht often.
    But trust me your videos are not only educational but motivational too.
    I enjoy watching them and saw how you people have made fun out of something boring i.e routine practise.
    This video shows how genuinely you like to reach out and help people like me.
    I admire your intentions.
    I amatuer swimmer but after initial phase of learning strokes i got bored and busy in my work routine.
    Your vdos motivated me to restart my swiming practise.
    Thank you …

  19. 저는 솔직히 빠르게 수영하는법을 익혔어요
    많은 도움이 되었고
    예전에는 수영이 힘들고 어려웠지만
    지금은 남자들과 견줄수 있을만큼 빨라졌답니다
    발차기 롤링 이미지트레이닝 등등등
    빠른 수영을 하고싶었던 제 희망이
    수영시작한지 5년 되었고
    영상 보고나서 약 2년정도 시일이 걸리긴 했지만요

  20. Yes your videos have made me swim faster. I also learned a lot of flips, like the crossover flip and the breastroke flip.

  21. Your videos have helped by teaching me the smaller skills, building confidence and motivation and helping me remember to think about what I』m doing while swimming. Love your videos!!!

  22. I do watch and then try to apply the changes. Some more successfully than others. My main problem is the try to focus on a limited number of changes and try to see if those do improve my endurance and/or speed. I also do this with the help of my swimming coach who is more than happy to see if those changes do make a difference. Please keep them coming.

  23. Your video seems to be helpful. Keep it up

  24. Your videos helped in motivation and also to improve technique

  25. 이 비디오로 당신의 수영이 더 빨라지지는 않습니다

    슬프지만 유튜브 비디오를 보는 것만으로 수영을 배우지는 못합니다. 뻔한 소리처럼 들린다는 사실을 압니다만 우리는 유튜브 비디오를 통해 우리가 했으면 하는 것들을 아주 자주 봅니다. 저에게는, 멋진 고프로 비디오들이 그렇습니다, 여러분에게는, 이 채널이나 다른 수영 채널일 수도 있겠네요. 우리는 심지어 누군가가 잘하는 것을 하고 있는 장면을 보면서 약간의 성취감을 느끼기도 합니다 왜냐하면 그것이 우리 두뇌가 작동하는 방식이니까요. 예를 들어 저는 멋진 파도타기 비디오를 보고 나면 파도타기 선수가 느꼈던 것과 똑같이 느끼지는 않더라도 흥분하게 되면서 파도를 더 잘 타는 방법을 알게 된 것처럼 느끼게 됩니다. 하지만 제 파도타기 경험은 한 번뿐이라 비디오 시청만으로 제 기술이 더 나아졌는가에는 의문이 듭니다. 사실, 그들의 파도타기가 실제보다 훨씬 쉬워 보이는 데는 많은 시간의 연습과 제가 보지 못하는 미묘한 세부사항들이 있기 때문입니다.

    공정하게 말하자면, 다음번 연습할 때 집중해야 할 새로운 비결들을 머리로 배우고 있다고 할 수도 있겠네요 하지만 수영이나 파도타기와 같은 신체 활동에서는 특히, 운동 감각 지능(kinesthetic intelligence)이라 불리는, 또 다른 형태의 지적 능력을 연마하지 않는다면, 기술이 늘지는 않을 것입니다.

    이런 말씀을 드리는 이유는 우리 비디오를 보기만 하지는 말고, 여러분에게 하고 싶은 마음이 생겨 우리가 공유하는 것을 실제로 연습하시길 바라기 때문입니다.

    우리는 3년 동안 유튜브에 수영 비디오를 게시해왔습니다 그리고 거의 모든 댓글을 읽었습니다 하지만 여러분 대부분이 저희에게 아무런 피드백도 하지 않았다고 확신합니다. 그러니 이번에는 우리 비디오가 여러분이 더 빠르게 헤엄치는 데 도움되었는지 또는 수영하러 갈 마음이 생기게 했는지 알려주시기 바랍니다. 저는 여러분의 댓글 읽기를 고대합니다!

    고프로 공모전: 돌고래와 파도타기


    고프로 공모전: 태풍으로 생기는 거대 파도 타기


    고프로: 세계 파도타기 리그 2018 죠스(Jaws) 대회에 참가한 카이 레니(Kai Lenny)


    고프로 파도타기: 필리페 톨리도의 공중으로 높이 뜬 앨리 웁


    수영을 좋아하신다면, 우리 웹페이지도 좋아할 것입니다:


    시청해주셔서 고맙습니다!

    빠르게 헤엄치세요!

  26. This channel has been VERY helpful. My breaststroke has improved remarkably and is now my favorite way to swim. So thankful for your work.

  27. I thank you for your video; I fund this channel about one year ago and I learned a lot following your tips, first of alla how breathing correctly in
    free style

  28. Can you please tell me what practice should I do for 50 meter freestyle.

  29. Is it too late to start swimming at 16??

  30. I must say that your channel really motivates me and also helps me with technique! Every time I watch something I just wanna jump into the pool and try it by myself! Thank you and congrats for this wonderful job!

  31. I`ve been whatching your vídeos for about a year and a half and it has been an inspiration and also it enabled me to realy improve my technic. Sometimes even whatch them over and over again. Thank you so much.

  32. Everyday I check the youtube menu on the left looking for a blue dot on your channel to check if there is something new to see… On youtube there are plenty of swimming related channels, but most of them are dedicated to front crawl (in the anglo-saxon world called freestyle, why? :D ), but you guys are trying to cover all the main 4 swimming techniques and I must admit you are doing it pretty well. Nice videos and a lot of useful materials (strength training and anatomy related videos are great) and tips for improving our swim techniques. Keep the nice work. Thanks and greetings from Croatia!

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