學習仰泳基礎的5個技巧 [英語][Skills NT]

如果你想學習仰泳,你必須從基礎開始。 這 5 項技能將幫助您游好仰泳。 一技能浮空二技能後退三技能踢四技能中風五技能輪換最後把所有技能組合起來。 首先使用一隻手臂旋轉和踢腿。 一旦你掌握了它,然後做整件事。 從從牆上的良好推動開始,然後是整個仰泳游泳。 一旦你掌握了仰泳的 5 項基本技能,你就可以繼續學習下一組你可以在這個仰泳播放列表中找到的技能:贈品說明:第 1 步在 facebook 或 instagram 上關注我們:Instragram:Facebook:第 2 步回答問題本視頻評論區技能NT Shop:訂閱我們的郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的Patreon:感謝觀看! 游得快!


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

31 留言

  1. the problem is that i don't know how to use my hips.

  2. I'm really bad at single arm backstroke. Though I can manage double arm backstroke decent. I like practicing frog kick with double arm backstroke.
    I can't stay a float with single arm. My head sinks and I get water in nose.

  3. Hopefully, tomorrow I'm going swimming with my boyfriend after a two year hiatus; he's going to learn from the scratch, with your help, so thank you!

  4. I am frustrated that not a single backstroke video addresses breathing and to sync up with arm movements, avoid water getting in nose.

  5. I am having troubles with my backstroke arms.

  6. Very detailed explanation with exact demonstrations. Thank you!

  7. ترجمة بالعربي

  8. My favorite skill was the 4rd skill.

  9. cool but please move the titles away from center of video

  10. How days needed you to learn backstroke?

  11. I'm bigginer . when I try floating my legs sink . what should i do to avoid that happening. plz don't tell me try to be relax under water coz ,I want some practices and practical advices

  12. how to i move faster when swimming backstroke?

  13. Hi, I want to know if you have exercises to improve the butterfly style kick.
    Thank you, greetings from Argentina.

  14. Ecuador or Spaint. -PeachesMichelle

  15. How do I prevent my backstroke from veering to one side? I swim in an outdoor pool without lane ropes and there are no ceiling rails or markers for me to spot to swim straight.

  16. Nice video. I regularly watch here and learned the swimming. Thanks

  17. Then, how do i can swim straight with the lane? It's very hard part for me

  18. Thank you for this excellent video !


  20. back = drowning with style

  21. love swimming backstroke if the pool is reasonably quiet, but normally I need a rear view mirror to see if I'm going to swim into anyone.

  22. i love your chanel so much. i was wondering if you could do a pre event warmup for each stroke ? kind of like a mini set you can do in the warmup/warmdown pool at a meet.

  23. just one of trainer observed that I'm bending my knee while doing this stroke… hope this video will help.

  24. 배영의 기초들을 배우기 위한 다섯 가지 기술들

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