4 个呼吸练习,让自由泳游泳更顺畅。 进展。 初学者 [英语][Skills NT]

在本视频中,我将向您展示 4 种呼吸练习,您可以在轻松自由泳游泳时保持更好、更水平的姿势。 第一个练习是用一只手抓住墙壁,深呼吸,将脸浸入水中,然后用脚踢,使身体处于水平位置。 在两侧练习此练习,向左呼吸,向右呼吸,直到您对动作和呼吸技巧感到满意为止。 第二个进程非常相似,但您将使用踢脚板而不是墙,并且您还将进行完整的击球。 踢大约 6 次,然后吸一口气,划一划。 第三个练习与第二个练习相同,但没有踢板。 通常游泳者喜欢呼吸的一侧,但学习如何从两侧呼吸是很好的做法。 第四个练习更简单。 只需双臂向下踢,然后将头移到一边呼吸。 没有手臂的运动。 专注于将臀部保持在水面的高处,并以与其他三个练习相同的方式快速呼吸。 现在你已经准备好做整件事了! 以您能掌握的最流畅的自由泳游一圈泳池,同时快速呼吸。 尝试每 2 次、每 3 次和每 4 次呼吸。 注意区别。 在另一端停下来,控制你的呼吸,然后再做一次。 Skills NT Shop:订阅我们的邮件列表:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品: Instragram:感谢观看! 游得快! 游泳运动员:@danielmontoyac(铁人三项)@danieltorressama(墨西哥纪录保持者)@witolas @mauriuranga Song:“夜间小偷”Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

19 留言

  1. 한국말로 계속 자막 만들어주세요 고맙습니다:)

  2. This is the first time I have clearly understood how and when to breathe in and breathe out . Do not laugh if I say that I am still learning though I am now 76 . Thanks from India .

  3. I always thought I had to smoothly exhale while my head was inside the water ..thank you for teaching me the correct way…I will do that from now on.

  4. I don't get it. How do I breath like you when you have your mouth still opened when you put your face into water. I would drink tons of water that way…

  5. At sea this is harder because the surface is not flat

  6. Lol I only need like half a second to get a full lung of air whever I race or do a sprint

  7. So I have to learn the percentage of air I have to put out? Aight this gonna be easy

  8. It looks like you take in a little water when you open your mouth to exhale. Is that okay? I usually like bring out my head out enough to exhale.

  9. What? You guys swim in water?

  10. I look like an idiot when I swim. No one taught me. It takes me 45 seconds to get to one end to the other and I choke on water constantly. But I’m trying! Slowly and surely.

  11. Hey, Vsauce! Swimming here.

  12. Funny how he makes it look so easy

  13. Ok so am I the only one that finds it hard to exhale through my nose? I just end up exhaling through mouth mainly idk if this is a problem and will affect my technique?

  14. One of the few useful videos on breathing under the water

  15. Thank you for this instruction. I’m over 70 and want to learn this!

  16. How does he breath with half mouth in water and just in 1 sec… while in the pool it is difficult to inhale

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