蝶泳技術。 如何游泳蝴蝶。 初學者 | 游泳教程 [英語][Skills NT]

蝶泳技術。 如何游泳蝴蝶。 初學者 | 游泳教程 掌握本教程中的這四項技巧,才能正確地游蝶泳。 技巧一——踢腿 這個泳姿最重要的部分是蝶泳。 最重要的是上下移動你的臀部,就是這樣。 技能 2- 一隻武裝的蝴蝶 一旦你控制了蝴蝶踢,就該慢慢地將雙臂結合起來。 技能 3 – 1-1-2 在您熟悉了單臂蝴蝶技術之後,現在先做一次一隻手臂,然後做另一隻,然後兩隻手都做! 技能4——蝶泳! 呼吸應該很快。 你的頭應該在你手臂之前的水中。 現在你正在用正確的技術游蝶泳! 如果您喜歡這個游泳蝴蝶教程,請告訴我! 感謝收看! 游得快! 歌曲「Chill Wave」Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) 技能 NT 商店:訂閱我們的電子郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的 Patreon:初學者的游泳技巧


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

31 留言

  1. Just started in a swim team! They are trying to teach me butterfly so this really helps thanks!

  2. Ask permission to post this to my class, a big help in this new normal..Thank you!

  3. I love the one-arm idea. I'm going to try that tomorrow! :D

  4. I definitely prefer butterfly over freestyle.

  5. I am having a difficult time floating on water and doing this :(

  6. For some reasone I push water into my mouth with my arms… TT__TT

  7. Swim fast! 라는 말을 fast 하게 말하지않아서 eh? 했다는 … 힘내요 감사해요:-)

  8. We have a 10 workout program available now. It is focused on short freestyle training. It will help you gain speed and also put in practice a good freestyle technique. Click here to learn more about it: https://skillswimming.com/swordfish/

  9. As a a swimming teacher I was taught never teach fly kick with a float of any kind, do any other professionals or club swimmers have a different oppiontion and why?

  10. what type of accent do u have?

  11. can i learn faster butterfly with my fins on?

  12. I tried last night at the pool and its freaking hard to execute the up and down of hips.

  13. I'm 60 years old and swim in the pool 2 miles every other day, off days in the gym I'm getting ready for this stroke, thanks!

  14. Nice. Thanks for the four-skill breakdown suggestion. I'm going to try that!!

  15. Excelente! He mejorado gracias a estos consejos, recomiendo los ejercicios. Pregunta: ¿cómo es la trayectoria de las manos que recomiendan? He visto la "ojo de cerradura" y "reloj de arena" pero en los vídeos no parece que lo hagan así. Gran trabajo, sigan así! Gracias!

  16. I have to do a very quick crash course on butterfly, because I got my school's swimming carnival just next Tuesday and I have just been told i'm doing  butterfly in D division (wipes sweat off brow), but I don't really know how to do butterfly properly. My other strokes are fine, but butterfly… I need tonnes of work to do. Wish me luck!

  17. Great video! I love how you're always on task!

  18. Nice Video.

    Context: I am an adult, learning butterfly for the first time. Needless to say, it needs LOT of practice compared to kids. I am quite comfortable (though not perfect) with wiggles/dolphin kick. I am getting comfortable with butterfly arm stroke (pull, recovery with arms above the water, face in first, etc) with a FREESTYLE KICK. But, when I try to put the butterfly stroke together, I am messing up with the timing. As a result, I do only one stroke cycle some times able to take that one breathe. sometimes not and I stop.

    When I say timing, I see two things – Timing for the breathe (which is when the arms start to come out of the water on the sides) and the timing between the kicks and the arms (where I am messing with).

    Now, the question is – What should the legs/hips be doing (upbeat/downbeat part of the FIRST/SECOND kick precisely)

    a. When you begin your arm stroke
    b. When you take a breathe
    c. When you recover and stretch it forward

    In other words, when to do the first kick and when to do the second kick and what should the arms be doing during those kicks?

    A response is much appreciated. Thank you.

  19. Underwater is not a stroke and I love butterfly

  20. The bonus drill is not easy to get the moment to break out water QQ thanks for your videos, swim fast!

  21. my favorite strokes are the Backstroke,Breaststroke,Butterfly and Sidestroke!!

  22. Perfect!! just what I was looking!

  23. What about when you're teaching your kids? How's the leg actions? I get to see they bent their knees too much. Any help?

  24. Hi guys. Any suggestions on how to spend less energy in fly? Can swim rather fast 25 or 50m, but finishing 100 is already a huge struggle. However, I can kick with the board for quite a lot. But adding arm strokes kills me in about 30 seconds…


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