菲尔普斯为什么停止游泳!? [英语][Skills NT]

2008年奥运会后,菲尔普斯失去了动力。 与女友妮可分手。 他迷路了。 “拿到8枚金牌后,还能做什么?” 他问自己。 “有什么理由再努力训练 4 年?” 过了一会儿,他慢慢地开始用新的目标激励自己。 就像成为有史以来获得奖牌最多的奥运会运动员一样。 并连续第三次赢得他最喜欢的赛事,200 蝶泳。 不管你信不信,这种感觉在竞技游泳运动员中很常见。 我的许多朋友在退休后的几年里甚至都看不到游泳池。 我哥哥说他再也不会做有氧运动了。 我们都在某些时候意识到我们的身体需要运动。 为了理解为什么这么多游泳运动员,包括迈克尔菲尔普斯,即使他们非常讨厌游泳,也会重返游泳,我们需要上一点生物学课。 我们的心要求接受挑战。 他们想要至少 45 分钟更快的血液泵送,然后全天恢复正常。 我们的关节需要运动才能获得所需的所有营养。 你可能认为为生存而战的感觉很可怕。 你是对的。 很多人都怕水。 几乎每个人都害怕艰苦的游泳练习。 对于一些幸运的勇敢者来说,水中冒险是一种彻底的生活改善。 我们的旱地频道:游泳营:如果你喜欢游泳,你会喜欢我们的网页:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:Instragram:Facebook:感谢收看! 游泳快! 资料来源: 00:00 – Michael Phelps 亲临现场 00:52 – 发布 – 北京 01:30 – 发布 – 伦敦 01:50 – 发布 – 游泳 02:05 – 游泳的好处 03:26 – 游泳比赛 03:57 – 心理健康技能 05:27 – 勇敢者。


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

41 留言

  1. I mean obviously because he was starting to sink with all those medals it was getting harder and harder to stay afloat.

  2. Hey, thanks for this. Your videos ae a motivational kick and I always get to learn something new !! You're awesome !

  3. You are a very smart person and deserve respect

  4. Full disclosure, I'm not bothering to watch this video. But I can provide the tldr right here:
    Because he got too old for that level of competing. Top athletes come with an expiration date and he simply reached his. Any other reason given is nonsense.

  5. Y’all keep getting so creative making these videos they are SICKKKKKKKKKKK big ups amigos!

  6. what are cheaper versions of Ultra swim swim shampoo?

  7. Great video, I've been following swimming since 1996 olympics, and am swimming recreationally for many years but you still told me stuff I didn't know about cortisol and mental health, thanks!

  8. I think honestly the age factor should have been addressed. Ultimately he retired (announced prior to Rio) because his age was the key factor and personally I would say he simultaneously wanted to focus on his family.

    Being in a loving and secure relationship is a foundation for many to having good mental health. Wishing Michael and his family all the best.

  9. Phelps was such an amazing swimmer, he reached his peak and then rock bottom and then new heights in such a short time!

  10. Waterpolo is even better than swimming in reducing stress level. That’s due to teamwork, and also the fun of combining playing with ball, swimming ,and wrestling at the same time! ❤️

  11. Well, his entire existence was swimming starting as a pre-teen.
    It makes sense that he would become irritated by such an intense experience.
    For the rest of us, swimming is an escape from reality and a form of motion meditation.
    We do it for health and fun. Phelps never had the luxury of swimming for enjoyment.

  12. "Your brain congratulates you for surviving the workout"- the best definition of competitive swimming and triathlon xD

  13. Thank you for this wonderful video

  14. This channel is getting better and better!
    thank you for these insightful videos!

  15. very interesting, thanks for creator who did russia subtitles

  16. I've been swimming for 63 years, and I plan on swimming until I can't anymore. I dropped out of college, but swam Masters up until the Chinese Virus. Now, I just workout by myself, because I hate working out at 5 am with the team. I love it.

  17. He got old like everyone. Doesn't need a video to explain.

  18. it would be interesting to make a video about cortisol secretion during freediving training

  19. This could be one of your best videos—
    Swim Smart!!

  20. Great video
    Well done!!!!!!

  21. Nearly all high-level and competitive athletes go through a state of depression after an extreme high like winning medals or competitions. It is because they train for many, many, many hours, perfecting their craft, all of it for a singular event that takes a fraction of the time they had trained for..

    When they win the event, there is a very short period of time of euphoria and unless you have something in place to transfer your energy away from that high when it completes, you slide into depression.

    This is incredibly common, which is why you see many well-off professional athletes who become totally broke later in life. Their entire life has revolved around the singular events and, once you pass your prime, which is at a relatively young age, you know that you can never duplicate it.

  22. when is the next swim university video ????

  23. It's very good content! It was too interesting! Thanks!!!

  24. I don’t know about all these pros, but normally if you attempt something that you are afaid of and turns out to be ok. This experience normally decreases your anxiety. However this still depends on how afraid you are, and how well it turns out to be. Maybe a certain level of stress is always healthy, but big ones can break you now or in the future. Really hard to say how much is too much.

  25. At certain times I feel he might be slightly overrated as many household people think he was the "fastest" swimmer ever. But when it comes to swimming events 90% of swimmers don't have the stomach to specialize in, or afraid of even attempting, Phelps has much respect. Except for the 2br and 4 and 8fr, the most brutal of all swimming events were dominated by him. God gave him talent to suffer in the pool, it's no wonder he retired. He was a badass

  26. Thanks for all these wonderful swimming videos

  27. I remember an interview with him where he commented about his competition taking him to some of the best moments of his life, and some of the darkest places ever. Can't imagine that type of stress. This is a topic that needs more discussion in the sports World, Simone Biles bought it to life in the last summer Olympics.

  28. A very interesting Tube. Thank you.

  29. Can you make a video commenting on total immersion style of swimming? I'm trying to learn by myself and I love the way these people swim, although not the fastest, it seems like the most relaxed way of swimming. By the way, the single kick per stroke is quite similar to your technique in the smooth swimming video

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