論游泳中呼吸的重要性!呼吸不到位,自己白受累! If you don』t breathe in place, you will suffer for nothing! 雙旭 2020年8月7日 自由泳 75 瀏覽量 眾所周知,游泳要是不呼吸會淹死。嘴巴沒辦法露出水面是因為你的轉體還不夠,要肩膀帶動頭。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS51V8CN-gc 相關推薦: 蛙泳為啥一換氣就沉下去!!別慌,問題就出在這裡!大家來對號入座哈哈哈!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe? 蛙泳為啥一換氣就沉下去!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe!chinese 蛙泳初學者不敢抬頭換氣咋辦!What to do if you don’t dare to raise your head for breath in breaststroke 呼吸不到位,怎麼游都累!談游泳時的呼吸技巧! 簡單實用的踩水學習技巧 Simple and practical learning techniques for treading water 游泳跳出發教學第一課 swimming jump start teaching. 乾貨!教練!我想學潛水,我想一直在水下游!I want to be underwater all the time! 自由泳提高系列第二課,提高手臂划水效果 Freestyle to improve the effect of arm stroke 活動作品蛙泳腿部動作 如何提高蹬腿效率一