活動作品蛙泳腿部動作 如何提高蹬腿效率一 lswim 2021年6月9日 蛙泳 446 瀏覽量 蛙泳腿是我們在游進過程中非常重要的一環,如果蹬腿沒有效率的話,速度是不可能快的!認真聽課,你會有不同的感悟! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hJLe4u9IKY 相關推薦: 蛙泳初學者第三課換氣講解,不會換氣的練習生可以看過來!Breaststroke breathing explanation 蛙泳為啥一換氣就沉下去!!別慌,問題就出在這裡!大家來對號入座哈哈哈!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe? 蛙泳提高系列第三課,針對蛙泳腿部力量強化訓練 Breaststroke leg strength for intensive training 蛙泳初學者不敢抬頭換氣咋辦!What to do if you don’t dare to raise your head for breath in breaststroke 蛙泳轉身教學,分初級版和進階版!初學者先練習初級版,本身已經會轉身的可以練習進階版哦!Breaststroke turn around teaching 蛙泳初學者手腿配合常見的錯誤動作,游得好首先得學會慢哦!Breaststroke hands and legs with common mistakes! 蛙泳為啥一換氣就沉下去!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe!chinese 蛙泳提高系列第一節,手部動作與換氣教學!Breaststroke hand movements and breathing exercises 蛙泳手部常見的錯誤動作 Common mistakes in the hands during breaststroke!
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