- 水中倒車!各種水中水感練習,游泳中水感很重要哦!Reversing in the water!Water sense exercise!
- 水中蛙泳腿練習!Breaststroke leg exercises in the water!
- 自由泳提高系列第六課!分解練習合輯(三)空中移臂分解。移臂做到位,省力又優美!Freestyle arm shift exercise
- 簡單實用的踩水學習技巧 Simple and practical learning techniques for treading water
- 呲水教程,做泳池裡最靚的仔 Sip water tutorial
- 游泳初學者第一課熟悉水性 Swimming beginner first lesson Familiar with water
- 蛙泳為啥一換氣就沉下去!!別慌,問題就出在這裡!大家來對號入座哈哈哈!Why does breaststroke sink as soon as you breathe?
- 蛙泳提高系列第三課,針對蛙泳腿部力量強化訓練 Breaststroke leg strength for intensive training
- 蛙泳初學者不敢抬頭換氣咋辦!What to do if you don’t dare to raise your head for breath in breaststroke