自由泳:糾正錯誤的秘訣 (2020) [英語][乾貨滿滿SwimUp]

最好的游泳應用程序 – SwimUp:Apple:Android:網站:下載應用程序並在評論中分享您的應用程序體驗! 在本視頻中,您將學習自由泳最重要的技巧。 特別是,您將掌握如何自由泳而不會感到疲倦! (這真的很容易)。 以下是我將在本視頻中介紹的內容: #1:首先,我將解釋有關呼吸技巧的 3 點。 因此,無論您是在學習游泳技術還是想提高您的自由泳游泳水平,正確呼吸技巧的這些要點將使您的游泳更輕鬆,速度更快! #2:您將學習如何解決自由式呼吸中最常見的錯誤。 錯誤的呼吸會影響您的身體姿勢,並使您的游泳變得更加困難和緩慢。 我將向您展示如何在自由泳游泳中擺脫這些錯誤並正確呼吸。 通過使用我的提示,您將 100% 在游泳時擁有正確的呼吸。 #3:你會看到一個很好的例子,你的身體位置在多大程度上取決於你的頭部位置。 通過保持正確的頭部位置,您將降低防水性。 因此,您將提高游泳效率,這對鐵人三項運動員至關重要。 #4:現在你的頭部位置正確,你的身體姿勢會大大改善。 然而,大多數游泳者都有 2 個常見的錯誤,使您無法在自由泳技術上取得進步。 對於 IronMan 運動員來說,這非常重要。 #5:您將學習 3 種最佳練習來提高您的自由式呼吸技巧。 通過游泳視頻中的這 3 個練習,您將使您的游泳變得更加輕鬆,而且您再也不會感到疲倦。 在鐵人三項中,您將能夠節省騎自行車和跑步的能量。 這些練習使您的游泳變得非常快速和超級愉快。 訂閱我的頻道,讓您的游泳更快更輕鬆:#FreestyleSwimming #SwimmingTechnique #Triathlon。


關於 SwimUp

SwimUp 是一個平台,游泳者可以在此學習正確的游泳技術並更快地游泳。我相信,每個人都可以學習任何游泳動作,游泳任何距離。我的頻道就是教你最實用最適合你的游泳技巧,分享游泳秘訣,講解如何正確訓練,提高游泳水平。因此,如果您是初學者、業餘愛好者或鐵人三項運動員,想要提高游泳水平以提高游泳技術和速度,請務必立即訂閱我的頻道。如您所見,我的頻道發布的視頻側重於學習游泳、技術建議、最有用的練習、獨特的游泳練習以及來自像您這樣的訂閱者的問題。

47 留言

  1. Hi, May I know is this training program free?

  2. Great video thank you! I have no money to do a course so i have to teach myself. This helped a lot!

  3. А есть все тоже самое, только на русском?

  4. Love watching your swimming videos. My hardest part is kicking continuously

  5. I want you to know you are beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look now! You are important! You have meaning and worth! I love you so much! Jesus loves you too! You do not need any adjustments to your body to look beautiful! Beauty is on the inside of the Heart! You are beautiful!

  6. I like your video very much. I had watch more times. Thank you about a lot of your swimming video. I am Vietnamese and I hope you have video with English subtitle more.

  7. Very informative. Thank you. I swim freestyle a mile a day, 25m pool.

  8. This is very correct. I sometimes lose balance when taking breath. I just found out that I should not pull my left arm before my head returns to water

  9. Ok. Thanks for letting me know I pretty much did every position wrong during last 20 years

  10. Thank you for your great video!! I learn a lot.. Breathing timming and returning your head in neutral position before starting to push is the key to swim a good freestyle.

  11. thanks for the great videos and app!
    question: Can I exhale a bit of air left when turning my head for air, or only inhaling is allowed?

  12. The equable witness electrophoretically whip because crow demographically pat minus a meek stomach. redundant, faint fair tom-tom

  13. This one of the most helpful swimming videos on YouTube,gets straight to the points.

  14. Breathing and body position

  15. Great video instruction, thank you

  16. Great help for me . Thanks a lot

  17. Very helpful, thank you! Covered all the different parts of it

  18. Permission to share this video for my students, a big help in this time of Pandemic..Thanks!

  19. where to buy the paddles

  20. Thanks for very useful and comprehensive tips /notes for improving freestyle performance.

  21. How does one move from breast stroke to freestyle… I'm asthmatic and I run out of air quickly when attempting freestyle swimming

  22. The most important element is "the breathing and body position". Isnt it?

  23. Sir, your really a excellent swimmer
    And a good information

  24. You're a mason aren't you?

  25. I love the side by side videos. So helpful.

  26. I think the arm strokes is the most important point because I read recently kicking is only for body support thanks really thanks very much, many things I can see in this videos not only in the books, in this videos and also American videos thanks God

  27. In what countries is the ios app available? Thanks.

  28. Wow! This is great. What a wonderful lesson. You actually covered everything so carefully and understanding . Very thorough. I am using this video as a theory class and will practice on another day. It is best to absorb this information and internalize it first. This practice will be a lot of fun and at least now I have things to focus on while developing a professional technique. I have just now started swimming three weeks ago and already I am gliding without using a kick board. Everyone says that I have a natural style and confidence for swimming. All I need now is correct technique. I am 74 years old.

  29. arm strode , body position and breathing

  30. Thanks you!!
    Know,my freestyle so fast and good technic❤️

  31. I love the back to back comparisons showing what』s right and wrong

  32. The hardest part of freestyle is how to maintain the other arm when you stroke, especially the angles, which means shoulder should higher than elbow , wrist..

  33. Thank you Evgeny for your beautiful sessions, I love your perfect and fluent arm movements in free style mode. you are a true master in swimming and I have learned a great deal from you. Love and admiration

  34. Breathing and body position

  35. I wonder how many times you breath in 2 consecutive arm strokes? Because I couldn't see it clearly when the guide is under water

  36. Azul fellaouanes verry good

  37. How to not let the water get in your ear while taking a breath?


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