游泳時適當拉力的完美練習對於快速、高效的自由泳和所有泳姿至關重要。 教練 Matt Kredich 解釋了為什麼他使用 Vasa Swim Ergs 和 Vasa Trainers 來教游泳者理想的高肘抓握和正確的手部姿勢,以充分利用背闊肌和背部肌肉,這對於在水中發展強大的推進力至關重要。 學習如何在長凳上調整身體姿勢,以獲得更好的水上「抓地力」,並避免在水中游泳時滑倒、肘部下垂和穿過中線等常見的自由泳錯誤。 自 1988 年以來,Vasa 一直為運動、健身和康復生產優質的訓練設備。 幾十年來,世界各地的奧運級別游泳運動員、游泳教練、鐵人三項運動員、鐵人三項教練和旱地體能教練都選擇了 Vasa Trainer 和 Vasa Ergometer,以顯著提高游泳運動員、鐵人三項運動員、衝浪運動員、SUP 槳手、皮划艇運動員、北歐滑雪運動員的表現,以及那些尋求全身健身的人。 讓我們做點偉大的事情吧! 網站:Facebook:Twitter:語音:1.802.872.7101 電子郵件:[email protected]
標籤Kredich Matt Trainer Vasa Trainer 談正確的游泳姿勢抓和拉英語Vasa 馬特克雷迪奇
Coach Kredich, thank you for the informative presentation. Good stuff! I would offer only two small points of interest as it relates to Maritza's (sp?) demonstrations. (Please accept my apologies if I've misspelled her name).
First, she is not using the power paddles as they were originally conceived by me and intended to be used, in that she's essentially positioned her hand as though they were the "normal" length original Vasa paddles. To use these paddles correctly and thus receive the benefits of them, she would need to fully "insert" her hand in and tighten the rubber tubing over the top of the middle of the hand/fingers, such that the ends of the fingers are completely free to relax while the higher portion of the paddle rests directly on the heel of the hand, just above the wrist. This results in a more comfortable position and correctly engages in the "power y" position as noted by Karlyn Pipes, who was the first person to help me see and appreciate the value of this.
Second, I would respectfully submit that it appeared that she was demonstrating a bit more dropped elbow through the pull or power phase than I would have expected given that, as I understand it, it was your intention that she demonstrate high elbow biomechanics. There in lies a huge challenge for any swim coach: in order to get the swimmers we have influence over to fully appreciate subtle changes in stroke mechanics, we must demonstrate it exactly as it should be done. A small point perhaps, but this is my perception while watching…
Your tips and emphasis on posture was great, extremely important, and in my opinion, very much under rated by most coaches. It is my experience that not only in swimming but any and all human movement and sport, poor posture that often results from lifestyle or imbalance (from a muscle length perspective – such as with tight hip flexors pulling the swimmer into an anterior tilt with subsequent stress on the low back) can lead to injury and an inability to generate maximum power or loss of efficiency. As you pointed out, lengthening the spine and drawing the head into a "chin tuck", as well as squeezing the glutes to create a posterior tilt, all create better integration and take load off of the low back and neck. A healthier as well as more powerful swimmer.
Anyway, thanks again. Very informative and valuable for any swim coach or user of the Erg!