游泳 – 转弯 – 开放式转弯顺序步骤 #1 [英语][GoSwim]

虽然几乎每个游泳者都渴望学习翻转转身,但有时空翻——做得正确——是你最好的选择。 这是一个有趣的练习,它是学习过程中的第 1 步,可实现快速高效的开放式转弯。 .


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3 留言

  1. This says the pull in fake open turn is so much slower, but not if you're comparing to stopping at the end of every lap to turn around, catch your breath, etc. I'll still try to get it right, though, because the video says grabbing the wall can be hard on shoulders and I do not want to get injured. When I attempted to do it the right way, I was scared of slamming my head against the wall, but it looks like the swimmers are using their hands to cushion against that possibility

  2. I think this harder than the "noodle flip", which I taught myself using goswim's course

  3. Non sense! Pratice this kind of turn! Its easy to learn, easy to perform…and easy to teach! Its the most natural way to turn and it should be taught right from the beginning! Think about the millions of persons who swim just for leisure/fitness…and those scary flip turns…

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