自由泳教程。 手。 第 1 部分。如何提高您的自由泳技術 | 初學者 [英語][Skills NT]

這是關於如何提高游泳技術的一系列視頻游泳自由泳視頻教程的第 1 部分。 我會在游泳時談論身體的不同部位。 在第一部分中,我將討論在自由泳泳姿(也稱為爬泳泳姿)中游泳時手部的極其重要的動作。 我提供了一些關於正確游泳的實際身體感覺的提示。 最佳實踐和最有效的動作。 本教程包含有關如何改善划水的內容,假設您已經知道如何,至少,在水中移動。 如果您做兩件事,這些提示和技巧將最有效地幫助您顯著提高您的划水量: 1- 一次專註於一件事 2- 練習直到您主宰那件事並轉向下一件。 Skills NT Shop:訂閱我們的電子郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的 Patreon:取自電影 Minions 的 Movieclip。 音樂:bensound.com


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

26 留言

  1. You should hold your fingers together as well. I fin the course is done well in terms of visuality, but there are a hundreds of components which have been done wrong..

  2. Your videos are the best, very good to understand, thank you dear boy, it is important to see every moment and than to try❤️

  3. Do more basic swimmng videos

  4. si pudieras traducir el video al español, para apoyar la comidad de habla latina que no sabe ingles.

  5. I used to be on a swim team but then I stopt for a year and forgot everything. Am really worried because now am goning on another swim team and not sure if i know how to swim

  6. Please comment Skills NT.Swim fast.

  7. Why not vertical forearm instead of 45 degrees?

  8. How to swim by 2 hands

  9. I LOVE your video! I am just starting to learn crawl, this helps immensely: it is simple and concise. thanx!

  10. hi,

    excellent videos can you add more drills on the pull phase of freestyle


  11. Amazing vids. so much value, i only learned breast stroke technique as a kid and i am getting there pretty rapidly thanks to your vids!

  12. I don't quite get the 45 degree

  13. I am struggling with the direction. I don't use glasses. If I don't bring my head out of water I am not able to gauge the direction I am going in. I mostly go to the sides in such cases and end up touching the pool.

  14. Freestyle technic for beginners swimer..thanks for your share sir

  15. my granddaughters go to swimming club and have an idea on stroke but this video shows it all much clearer and easy to understand, grateful granny

  16. Can you make video what we eat when we race?

  17. Good video but u ought to improve on your pronunciation.

  18. Thank you so much for your videos! you taught me how to swim! yay!


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