如何以最佳方式潛入泳池(快速) [英語][乾貨滿滿]

本視頻將考慮如何潛水以及如何進行有競爭力的起步問題。 在游泳中,進行良好的潛水至關重要。 觀看視頻學習像專業人士一樣潛水,如果您有任何問題,請發表評論! 音樂: Nicolai Heidlas Music SUNNY HOLIDAYS – 免費歡快的尤克里里背景音樂


關於 SwimUp

SwimUp 是一個平台,游泳者可以在此學習正確的游泳技術並更快地游泳。我相信,每個人都可以學習任何游泳動作,游泳任何距離。我的頻道就是教你最實用最適合你的游泳技巧,分享游泳秘訣,講解如何正確訓練,提高游泳水平。因此,如果您是初學者、業餘愛好者或鐵人三項運動員,想要提高游泳水平以提高游泳技術和速度,請務必立即訂閱我的頻道。如您所見,我的頻道發布的視頻側重於學習游泳、技術建議、最有用的練習、獨特的游泳練習以及來自像您這樣的訂閱者的問題。

14 留言

  1. My legs always manage to fall back behind me and just not keep straight. I literally don't know how to fix this.

  2. Why pushing leg is not the back leg?

  3. We all no the best diver is kawolski

  4. Helpful video thank you

  5. hi, i have a habit of swinging my arms back and then putting my arms in front to do the streamline (all of this happens before I enter the water). I find that this makes my reaction time to the horn slower than other swimmers but it feels like a more powerful dive. helpppp?

  6. Thanks you for this useful vid, it helps me a lot.
    Regards from Lima -Peru

  7. Cool video, nice way of explaining a professional swimming start from the block

  8. HI, how to reduce splash after start?

  9. Do you have any questions left?
    If you do, please leave it in comments and we will explain in details!

  10. Thanks for the video, would be nice to watch tutorials for very beginners as well

  11. this is a very nice video I could see on youtube. about swimming … appreciate


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