初學者的分步游泳課程 – 如何游泳 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

在本視頻中,我們將看到 4 節初級游泳課程,以輕鬆學習游泳。 只需遵循所有課程,您將學習如何游泳。 記得邊看邊練習才能完美學游泳。 游泳對初學者來說是一項非常具有挑戰性的任務,但如果遵循正確的技術,它可以變得容易。 在本視頻中,我們將學習「如何漂浮在水上」「游泳時如何呼吸」「游泳時如何側身翻滾」「如何仰卧漂浮」「如何踢」「自由式踢」「仰泳踢」練習」「水中生存技巧」「如何游泳」「學習游泳」「游泳課程」「快速游泳」「如何游泳而不累」。


關於 Swimming Lessons

22 留言

  1. I jus need to learn how to float AMD the rest Will be for the books

  2. of all the videos, this is the most helpful one

  3. Awesome teacher ,
    I want a waterproof lipstick like Gloria before I get in the water.

  4. You』re tutorials are so easy to follow. Thank you.

  5. the problem is that I Don't know how to move my hands & legs when floating

  6. You talk to much show only in practice

  7. Awesome teacher, I was able to swim in 3 weeks at the YMCA with his videos. I am just working on to get better on my breathing I am 38 years old with 50% paralyzed right leg since birth. I only use my left leg for kicking. If I do it you can do it folks! Thanks Coach!

  8. Good teacher,it possible to learn within onday

  9. I m trying to stay patient and not get frustrated…and am practicing…

  10. When you blow the water out while under water, doesn't this allow water to come into your nose now?

  11. I live in So. California. Do you know someone here I could go to who teaches like you do? Help!!!!

  12. excellent technique teacher…

  13. You are beautiful just the way you look! To everyone! You are beautiful! You do not need adjustments to your beautiful body to look beautiful! Beauty is on the inside! You are beautiful outside just the way you look right now! You are important and you do have worth and meaning! Jesus loves you!

  14. I want everyone to know you are beautiful! You do not need makeup to be beautiful! You do not need any adjustments to your beautiful Body! God made you look beautiful! Jesus loves you!

  15. You are beautiful! You do not need abs ! You do not need any adjustments to your body! You are beautiful just the way you look! Beautiful Brethen! You do not need any surgeries to look beautiful! You are beautiful just the way you look now!

  16. You make me swim once again & give me that confidence to swim like I have never done before true teacher….

  17. Im paying for lessons at the ymca.. and my instructor teaches from the platform. Im annoyed . I paid for private lessons for a reason

  18. Great teacher. Now i am swimming

  19. one of the best swimming videos ever !

  20. This guy is a superb teacher!!!!!!

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