如何在水中呼吸。 初學者呼吸練習 | 硝基游泳 [英語][ Swimming Lessons]

對於初學者來說,學習如何在水中呼吸是非常具有挑戰性的。 在這個視頻中,邁克教練將教我們初學者正確的呼吸技巧。 我們將學習如何做bobs來增加我們的肺活量,如何頻繁呼吸和正確的吸氣呼氣方法。 確保練習並告訴我們您在游泳時是否有任何呼吸問題。


關於 Swimming Lessons

31 留言

  1. Very helpful tricks with simple explanations every beginner needs. Thank you .

  2. Does he mean on the water how to breathe and swim or is the title just as it is like breathing in the water?

  3. Blob mhhhhhh pah mhhhhhhh pah

  4. coach quartro nitro i wanna breath under water like a fish how can i achieve please

  5. POV: your here from that guy on tiktok that breathes underwater so you wanna see if you can actually breathe underwater

  6. So when do we inhale to get more air again? Lol

  7. The umm pah sounds funny but i tried it and it worksw

  8. Brilliant. I've been trying for ages to get my breathing stress free. Thanks you so much. I practiced bobbing first, then front crawl breathing every two strokes. I now will be able to work on improving my distance swimming without getting breathing stressed. Thanks

  9. Looks like i can finnaly learn water breathing.

  10. I tryed this method 10 years later ship founds me died XD

  11. The title is how to umpah umaph

    you have to hold your breathe !!

  13. "Hey do you wanna go swimming?"
    "Yeah sure lemme just- UMMM PAH UMMM PAH"

  14. You can atualy breathe under water by pressuring your mouth

  15. mmmm pah….mmmm bop…* searches Hanson-Mmmbop, on youtube *…damn did you know the Hanson bros are still in a band playing music together?!

  16. i am sorry i cant understand ummm pha.as for "umm"it is for inhaling or exhaling? phaa is for exhaling for sure but if i do ummm underwater the water will come inside my lungs.

  17. mmmm pah – dippedipahdupaph badubada mmmm pah dippedipadu yeah yeah (sorry got side tracked for a bit hehe)

  18. Literally a lifesaver you are, coach!
    Appreciated your efforts showing us the real deal without paying any real price!
    Thank you for all that you do!
    God bless.

  19. I reflexively swallow when I put my face underwater. I end up swallowing air from my nose or a little bit left in my mouth and getting gas and burping. Does anyone else do this? Are there techniques to practice to eventually stop swallowing all this air?


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