像动物一样游泳的8种方法 [英语][Skills NT]

游泳不仅是一项艰苦的工作。 如果你有创意,它会很有趣。 尽管这是我们的工作,但我们始终确保玩得开心。 这对您来说似乎并不重要,但对我们来说,这是我们从辛勤工作中放松下来并让我们的想法不断发展的方式。 通常,当我们回到严肃的工作中时,我们会更有动力。 来吧,傻傻的,有创意,放松! 技能 NT 商店:订阅我们的电子邮件列表:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:成为我们的 Patreon:Instragram:Facebook:感谢观看! 游得快! .


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

23 留言

  1. I always love to swim like Dolphin…

  2. I love your videos, please do more!! :)

  3. Some of these didn’t look all that inefficient.. maybe I’ll try them?

  4. That was funny. Thank you. He's Trying to Make People Put a Smile on Their Face about Swimming. It worked. I LOVE/GRATEFUL for him.

  5. We have a 10 workout program available now. It is focused on short freestyle training. It will help you gain speed and also put in practice a good freestyle technique. Click here to learn more about it: https://skillswimming.com/swordfish/

  6. With these technics I will be the best swimmer of my age group.
    The octopus one is the best to surprise everyone when you suddenly switch from Breaststroke to Octopustroke after the turn!!!

  7. The starfish is basically me at school.

    Btw, how do you keep all that air? o.o

  8. You just earned yourself a new subscriber

  9. kkkk starfish i love it~

  10. I think your film editing was really good in this video!

  11. LOL starfish hahahahaaaa!!!!!!

  12. Starfish is the fastest, haha

  13. Solo io speravo spuntasse la giraffa?

  14. you guys are awsome and I just came back from swimming classes

  15. Muuuy chistoso, pero real. Practicare uno, a ver cual sale. Gracias.

  16. impressed by creative mind :)

  17. nice work keep it up #1st comment from sri lanka

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