優美的自由泳 [英語][Skills NT]

了解如何流暢地游泳自由泳對於單圈游泳運動員、鐵人三項運動員、開放水域游泳運動員、水球運動員、運動量適應運動員以及基本上任何想要游泳作為鍛煉的人來說都是必不可少的。 首先要注意的是身體的位置。 你的身體越水平,就越容易在沒有很大阻力的情況下在水中游泳。 人們的主要問題是他們的腿下沉。 為了補償,他們開始更快地踢腿,然後他們感到疲倦並且雙腿下沉。 接下來要掌握的是減少多餘的阻力。 高級游泳者實際上在流暢的自由泳中前進時消耗的能量很少。 這是因為他們已經儘可能地減少了身體的阻力。 其中很大一部分是腿。 盡量避免膝蓋過度彎曲。 對於流暢的自由泳,做一些窄腳踢,也許每次一兩次,應該足以讓你的腿保持漂浮。 最後將你的腳踝指向跖屈,這將大大減少你的阻力並幫助你順利游泳。 如果您想將流暢的自由泳提升到一個新的水平,請鍛煉您的核心。 它將為您提供更好的水平位置的穩定性。 工作也是你的靈活性。 這將為您提供更好的運動範圍並減少阻力。 Skills NT Shop:訂閱我們的電子郵件列表:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品:成為我們的 Patreon:Instragram:歌曲:「新鮮空氣」 incompetech.com #swimming #freestyleSwimming #skillsnt 。


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

21 留言

  1. Can you do a video on how to do the double leg dolphin kick after changing direction at end of pool? Thank you.

  2. شكرا على الترجمة لقد استفدت كثيرا

  3. so much focus is on "swim fast" —but my goal is to swim smooth and for long distances – even if the pace is slow

  4. So, a I understand, leg motion is used for keeping legs from sinking, not for speed. Is that correct?

  5. This helped me a lot thanks! I just started swimming like 2 months ago and I'm the fastest developing student thanks to your videos!

  6. These guys make it look so easy. I can』t do this. I give up

  7. im gonna be a pro after this

  8. I thought that swimming was so easy

  9. That tipping you side/shoulder/head exercise looks like fun! I will add it to my training, starting tomorrow!

  10. Hi.. what is the best way to improve my kicking..

  11. Sending my full support po keep safe and God bless

  12. I would like to ask you how much is improving shaving the body in swimming? Thanks

  13. I don』t know how to swim slower and that why I can never do more than a single lap without needing a rest. If I slow down I feel I』m sinking and lose momentum. Any tips?

  14. Id rather go 100% for 30 mins than efficienct for 30 mins. Burn more calories.

  15. What you said about beginners having too much air in their lungs to stay balanced really made sense to me. With that being true and having large legs because of being an avid cyclist I always struggled to maintain a good horizontal position. Very helpful information.

  16. My mom is making me watch this SOS

  17. Hvaala za prevod ! Puno mi znaci.

  18. Learning how to breathe is essential for swimming, here are 4 exercises that will help you:


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