Hi , could you tell me what are the mistakes that make a flip turn go to the side rather than straight? even with keeping elbows locked i turn to the side
2 00:00:06,571 –> 00:00:09,847 Here's Step #3 in our 5-step sequence for learning the flip turn. 오늘은 뒤집어 돌기 학습을 위한 5부작 연재물의 제3단계입니다.
3 00:00:10,270 –> 00:00:16,247 Even if your flip turns are pretty good, this drill will help make them faster by making you more aware of your hands and arms. 여러분이 뒤집어 돌기를 이미 꽤 잘한다고 하더라도, 이 부분훈련을 통해, 손과 팔에 대한 인지감각을 키워, 더욱 빠르게 뒤집어 돌기를 하게 됩니다.
4 00:00:17,261 –> 00:00:21,995 In step #1, we used Styrofoam noodle to help you tumble straight over on your flip turn. 1단계에서는, 스티로폼 아쿠아봉을 사용하여, 뒤집어 돌기를 할 때 똑바로 뒤집는 것을 연습했습니다.
5 00:00:23,279 –> 00:00:29,468 In step #2, you used a noodle and then 2 pull buoys to help you flip without using your hands or arms to get around. 2단계에서는, 처음에는 아쿠아봉을 그 다음에는 두 개의 다리 띄우개(pull buoy)를 사용하여, 돌기 위해 손이나 팔을 사용하지 않으면서 뒤집기를 했습니다.
6 00:00:31,263 –> 00:00:40,103 In step #3, you will take away the equipment and see if you can flip straight over without using your hands, by kicking into the wall rather than swimming into the wall. 3단계에서는, 장비는 치워버리고, 헤엄치지 않고 벽을 향해 차 들어가면서, 손을 쓰지 않고 똑바로 뒤집을 수 있는 지 보겠습니다.
7 00:00:40,426 –> 00:00:46,433 You can stay relax, break some old habits, and keep the feeling of the weightless hands that you learned in step #2. 여러분은 긴장하지 않으면서, 오래된 버릇을 버리고, 2단계에서 배운 "무게감이 없는 손"에 대한 느낌을 유지할 수 있습니다.
9 00:00:48,752 –> 00:00:52,229 Stand in the shallow end, just inside the flags and facing the wall. 5미터 표시줄 안쪽, 얕은 곳에 서서 벽을 마주 보십시요.
10 00:00:53,630 –> 00:00:56,211 Put your hands behind you and palms facing up. 손바닥이 천정을 보게 하고 손은 등 뒤에 두십시요.
11 00:00:56,884 –> 00:01:00,703 Take a big breath, put your face in the water, and kick toward the wall. 깊게 들이쉬고, 얼굴을 물속에 집어넣고, 벽을 향해 차 가십시요.
12 00:01:01,050 –> 00:01:05,775 Keep your arms extended behind you, and imagine that you're holding the noodle or pull buoys in your hands. 팔은 뒤로 쭉 뻗으시고, 손에 아쿠아봉이나 다리 띄우개(pull buoy)를 쥐고 있다고 상상하세요.
13 00:01:07,524 –> 00:01:11,259 When you get about two feet from the wall, do a straight over somersault. 벽으로부터 2피트(0.6미터) 정도 되었을 때, 똑바로 넘기면서 뒤집기를 하십시요.
14 00:01:11,271 –> 00:01:12,478 And push off on your back. 그리고 등으로 누워 벽을 밀고 나오세요.
15 00:01:13,945 –> 00:01:16,906 When you somersault, don't do anything with your arms. 뒤집을 때, 팔로는 아무것도 하지 마십시요.
16 00:01:17,730 –> 00:01:22,656 If you do this correctly, your hands and arms should be above your head when your feet hit the wall. 올바르게 한다면, 두 발이 벽을 때릴 때, 두 손과 팔은 머리 위에 있을 것입니다.
17 00:01:23,519 –> 00:01:26,652 Bring your hands quickly into streamline and push off on your back. 재빨리 손을 모아 흐름선(streamline, 流線) 자세를 만든 다음에 누운 자세 그대로 밀고 나오세요.
18 00:01:28,055 –> 00:01:30,721 If you started to use your hands as this swimmer does, 만약 화면에 나오는 선수처럼 손을 쓰기 시작했다면,
19 00:01:31,614 –> 00:01:36,750 go back to step #2, and do a few more flips with the pull buoys to get the feeling of weightless hands. 2단계로 되돌아 가, 다리 띄우개(pull buoy)를 이용한 뒤집기를 몇 번 더 해서, "무게감이 없는 손"의 느낌을 되찾으십시요.
20 00:01:37,574 –> 00:01:39,198 Then try again with no equipment. 그리고나서 장비 없이 다시 시도하세요.
21 00:01:39,482 –> 00:01:41,255 Keep everything nice and relaxed. 온 몸의 긴장을 빼고 하세요.
22 00:01:41,571 –> 00:01:44,522 Don't worry about getting a big push off or fast flip. 강하게 밀고 나오는 것이나 빠르게 뒤집는 것에 대해서는 생각하지 마십시요.
23 00:01:45,052 –> 00:01:49,074 Just think about your hands and pretend you're still holding the noodle or the pull buoys. 두 손에 아쿠아봉이나 다리 띄우개(pull puoy)를 여전히 쥐고 있는 것처럼 하는 데 생각을 집중하십시요.
24 00:01:50,374 –> 00:01:53,165 If you find that you're heading straight to the bottom when you push off, 만약 밀고 나올 때 곧장 수영장 바닥을 향한다면,
25 00:01:53,481 –> 00:01:56,233 check the position of your hands as you initiate the turn. 돌기 시작할 때 손의 위치를 점검하십시요.
26 00:01:56,708 –> 00:01:59,533 This swimmer drops her hands as she initiates the flip. 이 선수는 뒤집기를 시작할 때 손이 아래로 떨어집니다.
27 00:01:59,889 –> 00:02:01,442 And she ends up too deep. 그래서 결국 너무 깊이 들어가게 됩니다.
28 00:02:02,341 –> 00:02:05,159 Here she keeps her hands more weightless and near the surface. 이 화면에서는 손을 좀 더 무게감 없이 수면 근처에 둡니다.
29 00:02:05,396 –> 00:02:07,428 And her feet hit the wall at a better depth. 그래서 두 발이 더 좋은(얕은) 깊이에서 벽을 때립니다.
30 00:02:08,879 –> 00:02:11,037 Keep these images in your mind as you practice. 이 영상을 기억하면서 연습하십시요.
31 00:02:11,178 –> 00:02:13,461 And come back for step #4 next week. 다음 주 4단계에서 다시 뵙겠습니다.
All video about swiming are very interresting. Continuous. We should have a video système in each pool . and see ourselves .. its realy interresting. An old swimmer instructor of France now its retirement for me but l go to tue
Yeah, this is a really good video. I'm 36 and I have never been able to do those cool flip turns, precisely out of fear of banging my head against either the wall or the shallow end floor. I really think it has been the movement in my arms that has been the problem…oh, and the fact that I never had the foresight to buy a nose plug :-)
Go to our website to find things in a more organized fashion. Or, you can search for them here on our channel. The sequences are put together under the tab "GoSwim Gold".
@irishdance1218 That's why it's step 3 in learning how to do a flip turn. There are other vids if you want to get fast. Go to our website and search for "flips". Vids there.
What do you mean when you say @ 0:36, "by kicking into the wall, rather than swimming into the wall".
Hi , could you tell me what are the mistakes that make a flip turn go to the side rather than straight? even with keeping elbows locked i turn to the side
Can you give me some tips one how to fix my flip because I am going to the side
수영 – 자유형 뒤집어 돌기 단계 #3
Swimming – Freestyle Flip Turn Step #3
00:00:01,683 –> 00:00:05,219
TURNS – Noodle Flip – Step 3
돌기 – 아쿠아봉 뒤집기 – 3단계
00:00:06,571 –> 00:00:09,847
Here's Step #3 in our 5-step sequence for learning the flip turn.
오늘은 뒤집어 돌기 학습을 위한 5부작 연재물의 제3단계입니다.
00:00:10,270 –> 00:00:16,247
Even if your flip turns are pretty good, this drill will help make them faster by making you more aware of your hands and arms.
여러분이 뒤집어 돌기를 이미 꽤 잘한다고 하더라도, 이 부분훈련을 통해, 손과 팔에 대한 인지감각을 키워, 더욱 빠르게 뒤집어 돌기를 하게 됩니다.
00:00:17,261 –> 00:00:21,995
In step #1, we used Styrofoam noodle to help you tumble straight over on your flip turn.
1단계에서는, 스티로폼 아쿠아봉을 사용하여, 뒤집어 돌기를 할 때 똑바로 뒤집는 것을 연습했습니다.
00:00:23,279 –> 00:00:29,468
In step #2, you used a noodle and then 2 pull buoys to help you flip without using your hands or arms to get around.
2단계에서는, 처음에는 아쿠아봉을 그 다음에는 두 개의 다리 띄우개(pull buoy)를 사용하여, 돌기 위해 손이나 팔을 사용하지 않으면서 뒤집기를 했습니다.
00:00:31,263 –> 00:00:40,103
In step #3, you will take away the equipment and see if you can flip straight over without using your hands, by kicking into the wall rather than swimming into the wall.
3단계에서는, 장비는 치워버리고, 헤엄치지 않고 벽을 향해 차 들어가면서, 손을 쓰지 않고 똑바로 뒤집을 수 있는 지 보겠습니다.
00:00:40,426 –> 00:00:46,433
You can stay relax, break some old habits, and keep the feeling of the weightless hands that you learned in step #2.
여러분은 긴장하지 않으면서, 오래된 버릇을 버리고, 2단계에서 배운 "무게감이 없는 손"에 대한 느낌을 유지할 수 있습니다.
00:00:47,384 –> 00:00:48,129
How to do it:
어떻게 할까요:
00:00:48,752 –> 00:00:52,229
Stand in the shallow end, just inside the flags and facing the wall.
5미터 표시줄 안쪽, 얕은 곳에 서서 벽을 마주 보십시요.
00:00:53,630 –> 00:00:56,211
Put your hands behind you and palms facing up.
손바닥이 천정을 보게 하고 손은 등 뒤에 두십시요.
00:00:56,884 –> 00:01:00,703
Take a big breath, put your face in the water, and kick toward the wall.
깊게 들이쉬고, 얼굴을 물속에 집어넣고, 벽을 향해 차 가십시요.
00:01:01,050 –> 00:01:05,775
Keep your arms extended behind you, and imagine that you're holding the noodle or pull buoys in your hands.
팔은 뒤로 쭉 뻗으시고, 손에 아쿠아봉이나 다리 띄우개(pull buoy)를 쥐고 있다고 상상하세요.
00:01:07,524 –> 00:01:11,259
When you get about two feet from the wall, do a straight over somersault.
벽으로부터 2피트(0.6미터) 정도 되었을 때, 똑바로 넘기면서 뒤집기를 하십시요.
00:01:11,271 –> 00:01:12,478
And push off on your back.
그리고 등으로 누워 벽을 밀고 나오세요.
00:01:13,945 –> 00:01:16,906
When you somersault, don't do anything with your arms.
뒤집을 때, 팔로는 아무것도 하지 마십시요.
00:01:17,730 –> 00:01:22,656
If you do this correctly, your hands and arms should be above your head when your feet hit the wall.
올바르게 한다면, 두 발이 벽을 때릴 때, 두 손과 팔은 머리 위에 있을 것입니다.
00:01:23,519 –> 00:01:26,652
Bring your hands quickly into streamline and push off on your back.
재빨리 손을 모아 흐름선(streamline, 流線) 자세를 만든 다음에 누운 자세 그대로 밀고 나오세요.
00:01:28,055 –> 00:01:30,721
If you started to use your hands as this swimmer does,
만약 화면에 나오는 선수처럼 손을 쓰기 시작했다면,
00:01:31,614 –> 00:01:36,750
go back to step #2, and do a few more flips with the pull buoys to get the feeling of weightless hands.
2단계로 되돌아 가, 다리 띄우개(pull buoy)를 이용한 뒤집기를 몇 번 더 해서, "무게감이 없는 손"의 느낌을 되찾으십시요.
00:01:37,574 –> 00:01:39,198
Then try again with no equipment.
그리고나서 장비 없이 다시 시도하세요.
00:01:39,482 –> 00:01:41,255
Keep everything nice and relaxed.
온 몸의 긴장을 빼고 하세요.
00:01:41,571 –> 00:01:44,522
Don't worry about getting a big push off or fast flip.
강하게 밀고 나오는 것이나 빠르게 뒤집는 것에 대해서는 생각하지 마십시요.
00:01:45,052 –> 00:01:49,074
Just think about your hands and pretend you're still holding the noodle or the pull buoys.
두 손에 아쿠아봉이나 다리 띄우개(pull puoy)를 여전히 쥐고 있는 것처럼 하는 데 생각을 집중하십시요.
00:01:50,374 –> 00:01:53,165
If you find that you're heading straight to the bottom when you push off,
만약 밀고 나올 때 곧장 수영장 바닥을 향한다면,
00:01:53,481 –> 00:01:56,233
check the position of your hands as you initiate the turn.
돌기 시작할 때 손의 위치를 점검하십시요.
00:01:56,708 –> 00:01:59,533
This swimmer drops her hands as she initiates the flip.
이 선수는 뒤집기를 시작할 때 손이 아래로 떨어집니다.
00:01:59,889 –> 00:02:01,442
And she ends up too deep.
그래서 결국 너무 깊이 들어가게 됩니다.
00:02:02,341 –> 00:02:05,159
Here she keeps her hands more weightless and near the surface.
이 화면에서는 손을 좀 더 무게감 없이 수면 근처에 둡니다.
00:02:05,396 –> 00:02:07,428
And her feet hit the wall at a better depth.
그래서 두 발이 더 좋은(얕은) 깊이에서 벽을 때립니다.
00:02:08,879 –> 00:02:11,037
Keep these images in your mind as you practice.
이 영상을 기억하면서 연습하십시요.
00:02:11,178 –> 00:02:13,461
And come back for step #4 next week.
다음 주 4단계에서 다시 뵙겠습니다.
Thanks for the tips. It is very helpful.
It is grate movie, now I am going to swimming pool and try again :) Thanks
All video about swiming are very interresting. Continuous. We should have a video système in each pool . and see ourselves .. its realy interresting. An old swimmer instructor of France now its retirement for me but l go to tue
I wish I could keep my arms near the body when i perform a flip turn.
its amazing to see like all this little technical issues have influence in swimming
Go to our channel and paste this in the search bar:
Swimming – Freestyle – First Breath
Every time I flip I end up pushing of on one leg!
Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks.
Yeah, this is a really good video. I'm 36 and I have never been able to do those cool flip turns, precisely out of fear of banging my head against either the wall or the shallow end floor. I really think it has been the movement in my arms that has been the problem…oh, and the fact that I never had the foresight to buy a nose plug :-)
Go to our website to find things in a more organized fashion. Or, you can search for them here on our channel. The sequences are put together under the tab "GoSwim Gold".
Where can I find the next steps ?
@irishdance1218 That's why it's step 3 in learning how to do a flip turn. There are other vids if you want to get fast. Go to our website and search for "flips". Vids there.
Quick tip: The tighter your legs are the faster your flip will be
i can't seem to relax my hands… its been 3 weeks but i'll keep on trying. thanks for the tip. its very useful.
I especially liked the "rather than swimming into the wall part" :)) Just kidding, nice video! Thanks!