自由泳在家練習。 旱地。 第 5 集力量、技術和機動性 [英語][Skills NT]

在本視頻中,我們將介紹一些自由式技巧動作,您可以做這些動作來建立更多的身心聯繫,這不僅可以幫助您記住游泳動作(如果您有一段時間沒有游泳了),還可以幫助您增強力量,協調性和流動性。 為了游得更快,你需要高一點。 要做到這一點,站在離牆壁很近的地方,一隻胳膊向上,用腳尖站立,伸到高處。 現在旋轉你的身體並達到更高。 這就是為什麼在自由泳中旋轉非常重要。 它讓你更長。 做 10 次,每側保持拉伸 2 秒。 當你在那裡時,記錄自己這樣做。 我們想留在一個小區域。 肩部旋轉,做 20 次劃圈。 盡量保持肘部高。 無論是在下降時還是上升時。 這將鍛煉您的背部肌肉,並幫助您的肌肉記住如何以良好的技術游泳。 要拉更多的水,你需要你的手和前臂與水垂直。 為了在拉動時保持高肘的肌肉記憶,每隻手臂嘗試 10 到 20 次。 站在離牆一英尺的地方。 用你的肘部接觸牆壁,並在適當的軀幹旋轉的情況下,向下移動你的手,不要移動肘部或將肘部與牆壁分開。 為了增加拉力,請將鞋子放在手上。 躺下並開始一次用一隻手臂拉。 要增加阻力,請使用更粗糙的地板或稍微用力向下推。 每隻手臂做 20 次幻燈片。 要在水中保持水平位置,校準水平平衡並鍛煉下背部和臀部非常重要。 所以要臉朝下躺著。 先做 10 次抬腿,激活臀部肌肉,然後激活下背部和腘繩肌。 如果您有腰痛,這也將有所幫助。 你已經聽我說過一千次了,在自由泳中,你的腳踝處於跖屈狀態是非常重要的。 但是,僅僅有靈活的腳踝是不夠的,您還需要靈活性。 這意味著您還需要增強這些足底肌肉和小腿肌肉的力量。 慢慢坐下並儘可能地將腳趾指向遠處。 保持1秒鐘,然後回來。 每隻腳做20次。 這也是我們抽筋的原因,因為只要我們游泳,我們就沒有足夠的力量來保持那個姿勢。 為了提高踢腿的速度和技術,我們可以這樣做。 將一個枕頭放在地上,並在您可以踩踏的高度上躺下。 給自己計時,看看你能在 30 秒內踢多少次。 計算每條腿接觸枕頭的時間。 我的高分是…… 最後要鍛煉流線型和肩部靈活性,做這個。 腳踝處於跖屈狀態,膝蓋不要抬離地面,雙臂緊貼流線型,做 10 到 20 個仰卧起坐。 如果您還不累,請在此處暫停此視頻,然後再做一兩次。 您還可以與我們過去製作的其他旱地視頻一起觀看此播放列表:不要忘記參與按摩槍的贈品! 我們會在這裡做它! 如果你喜歡游泳,你會喜歡我們的網頁: Tik tok:我們最喜歡的亞馬遜產品: Instragram: Facebook: 感謝觀看! 游得快! #StayHome #WithMe Song: Track: We — Theo Dor [Audio Library Release] Audio Library Plus Watch 提供的音樂:免費下載/流:


關於 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

36 留言

  1. badtrip na online swimming 'to

  2. Long live with good health


  4. maa can we got swimming
    we have swimming at home
    swimming at home:

  5. This will increase our height if we do it bro ? My age is 20 now

  6. Great tutorial! Thank you.

  7. great equip-free dryland exercises during quarantine

  8. Just found this video… and wondering what is this swimming thing humans talks about on youtube

  9. I am glad I found this video, the exercises are easy to understand and follow. These are great exercises that I will combine with my VASA Ergometer training! My biggest challenge is the ankle flexibility. I have only been swimming for 4yrs as an age-grouper triathlete. Can you make a short video specific for exercises that will help achieving/increasing the ankle mobility?

  10. Please make video on diet plan for swimminer

  11. What my dad has been making my do from past ten years is what I'm witnessing here…. Cheers man nice video

  12. I like how you end the video every time~! "swim fast~!"

  13. I have problem in freestyle that my legs sink. Even when i squeeze my butt chicks to bring the legs up then still doesn't help only one feet break the water surface and the other one doesn't . And sometimes i feel i am tightening my shoulders muscle to have no drop elbow while i tighten my butt chicks . Do you have any effective solution for sinking legs in freestyle? I even tried to do the drill kicking with both arms straight in the front in horizontal position in the water , it worked well for drills but when i start to do my swimming strokes then my legs sink again.

  14. Do these exercises make you taller?

  15. Corona literally spoiled my planning for this year…

  16. In many places swimming pools is close, but it is possible to do open water swimming. █

  17. this amazing i like swim and I want to learning it thanks

  18. These workouts are amazing, since I got no time to swim at the moment

  19. I just starting swimming laps, or should I say I'm learning to swim laps. Working on my breathing. Question I have is do you know anyone with 3 or more disk fused that swim laps? My L4, L5, and S1 are fused with nerve damage and have limited hip rotation ac nd constant pain. I really don't want to put my medical issues in here but I really need to improve my health and weight. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated. Thanks.


  21. Me diràn que estoy loco pero… estoy practicando en una hamaca. Pero Esto de los tennis es la pera…!!!idolos!!!!



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