游泳不会让你变瘦或强壮的 3 个原因以及如何调理身体的秘诀 [英语][Skills NT]

许多人练习游泳是为了让游泳者的身体拥有六块腹肌和健美的肌肉。 以下是游泳不会让您看起来更强壮的 3 个原因以及有关如何处理的一些提示。 原因#1 游泳后饥饿。 游泳时确实会燃烧大量卡路里。 只要在游泳池里,你的身体就会不断地产生热量(也就是燃烧卡路里),因为水低于我们的体温,它会偷走我们的热量。 问题是,因为我们在短时间内燃烧了很多卡路里,所以当我们停止游泳时会变得非常饿,而且我们吃的比以前多。 我们最终吃的比燃烧的多,有时食物没有营养或含糖量很高,所以身体只会将这些碳水化合物转化为脂肪。 提示 #1 游泳后,尝试用水和电解质补充水分,但尽量避免含糖饮料,如果汁、苏打水甚至佳得乐。 还要尝试吃复合碳水化合物和蔬菜,而不是垃圾食品。 原因#2 有氧游泳主要是一项有氧运动,这意味着您正在训练您的心脏和肺部。 这很好,因为你会很健康,但这不是增长肌肉的最佳方式。 我们的肌肉会因为运动过程中的微小破裂而增长。 当我们休息时,那些断裂的肌肉纤维会重建得更强壮。 这使他们成长。 但由于游泳时没有太大的紧张感,肌肉断裂的量是有限的。 提示 #2 如果你想锻炼更多的肌肉,你需要用更紧张的运动来赞美游泳,比如举重、交叉训练、健美操等。 原因 #3 时间 降低我们体内的脂肪百分比和增加肌肉需要时间大量的。 也许,您在一两周内不会看到任何结果。 你付出了努力,但没有看到任何结果令人失望。 但请记住,您正在改变身体的组成,这需要时间和一致性。 提示 #3 将您的游泳课程和其他重量训练或旱地训练安排到您的日常生活中,并使它们成为一种习惯。 在检查改进之前至少等待两个月。 如果您正在取得进步,请继续前进并每天多给自己一点压力,否则请咨询营养师以获得最适合您体型的专业饮食。 使用促销代码:SKINNYSWIMMER 享受 10% 的折扣 Skills NT Shop:SWORDFISH Program 订阅我们的电子邮件列表:我们最喜欢的亚马逊产品:成为我们的 Patreon:Instragram:Facebook:感谢观看! 游得快!


关于 Skills N' Talents

We are two brothers who swam for 30 years in the competitive arena (15 years each) and we hope we can transmit our knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows us to.

39 留言

  1. This is why we need the dislike button

  2. 2 months in and we're a stone and half down

  3. I am/was a skinny guy and swimming is has helped me with eating more. Have always had problems with food and there is nothing like swimming to stir my appetite. It feels like I have only put on more muscle not fat though. Swimming takes so much energy.

  4. That doesn't make sense. I swim three times a week up to 2k each sesh, and I am gaining muscles in my arms, shoulder snd thighs all together that i contemplating taking a break for a while to somehow make it stop.

  5. This guy des not know what he is talking about.

  6. I guess it works different for everybody. For me swimming doesn't make me loose weight, weighttraining however does.

  7. If someone start swimming because he wants to stop staying home watching Netflix and sleeping all day, he will lose weight and get fitter, but it's true that at higher levels swimming isn't enough to build bigger muscles.

  8. Do you swim to prove this facts ?

  9. Swimming fucking sucks if you want a good body stop being pussy and lift come fucking weights

  10. I am sorry, but this is completely false. I lost 10 kg in two months swimming 4 hours a week. Did not even have to change my diet that much.

  11. Hi, from Turkey, am ripped and i lost 18 kilograms through swimming, this video is mostly wrong.

    First off, swimming literally burns more than jogging and walking and because it’s easier you can easily increase the amount and how fast you swim.

    For example when i started swimming, i was swimming 2 kilometres daily but i slowly increased it to 5 (3 miles), it is not that easy to increase the distance you walk by 2 miles but it is when it’s swimming.
    +u move ur arms, abs and ur whole body when swimming, meanwhile you only move your legs and hips a bit when walking/jogging

    Secondly, being hungry ? Really? How is that specific to swimming ? I got hungry after a gym session too ffs

    Edit : thirdly, i gained muscle through swimming, you can increase the tension on ur muscles when you swim, just swim harder and faster, but after a while it won’t increase so once you hit that clearly visible muscle line, you should go to gym afterwards if you wanna be even bigger

  12. This video will scare off new
    Heavy swimmers. This is all they need to just say never mind. I'll just not swim then….

    I'm a big guy and swimming is cutting my weight like crazy. Im swimming 3to5times a week a hour a day ish. Yes I'm on a restricted diet.. though just to maximize losing weight. I was tired of being fat. 265 down to 230 in few months, Thanks to swimming. I'm not looking to put any weight lifting weight on yet. I need to get rid of all the fat. Then eat little better for packing on muscle. Can't wait.

  13. After swimming I never feel really hungry, just super super tired and I would nap for an hour. Does this happen to anybody?

  14. In my swimming experience ever since I was a child, who is also very skinny, swimming gives you some amount of strength, makes your body look more proportional and defines your muscles, yes. But if you want to have huge muscles, and be "big", "ripped off", conventionally "hot", swimming alone isn't enough. You have to hit the gym.

  15. this is a lie even a proffesional swimmer said that swimming will make you some muscles but not a bodybuilders muscle and that means that this video is lie

  16. Big disagree. Proven by science aswell. It's sad because normally I like the videos.

  17. Well in theory yes, you make some points allthough things aren't that simple.
    Whichever exercise you are doing that manages to make you have a steady heartrate above 165 is considered a cardio exercise. Meaning that if you do for example powerlifting and you keep you heartrate on those levels, then you also do cardio not just a strengthening workout. The real issue is how long can you keep doing that in one session.
    If you are a skinny guy and you want to build muscles for example you should focusing on doing AFAP 50m or 100m freestyle swimming, in cycles. In the other hand if you are overweight, then your aim is to do endurance training, to be able to steadily lose fat. If you are looking for getting toned, then swimming is a very good exercise that dominates the cardio field for many many reasons.

  18. Swimming will make you look lean, toned and healthy. But if you want to look like a bodybuilder it won’t work. Yet, it’s still a great complement to develop heart, lungs and stamina. Swimming + weights = perfection.

  19. Swimming was the only sport I’ve ever done and I happened to bench more than the average football player in my high school football team. I also have crappy genetics

  20. Anyone who has seriously swam for an extended period of time know this is a lie

  21. Dump shit swimming has been proving time and time again

  22. Pretty false video, swimming gave me a good amount of muscle mass, and made me very fit. Just use a snorkel for a 1-2 sessions a week.

  23. HIT training helps you lose weight!

  24. In my case swimming gave me a sculpted body without even trying, and that I'm a hardgainer and I wasn't eating enough food at the time.

  25. I remember when i had no experience of muscle building (and also a teen) and on an vacation i had access to a pool for two weeks and i swam 200 laps the pool was like an average pool and the results incredible. Soon the summer will make the water hot enough to take a swim every other day!

  26. Dude just recommend after swimming focus on eating fruit like watermelon which is sweet but high in water. This will help persons eating the wrong foods

  27. I started swimming in 5th grade and at the time I was overweight but now I’m 14 and swim 2 house every day for 6 days and even I kinda agree with this

  28. bro this is the stupidist video ever. swimming wont make you fit because you get hungry and eat lol. you can say that about anything

  29. The hunger after swimimg is real.
    Gota say it’s part of the weight loss and not cave with lots of food.

  30. So we can control the urge to eat it can be super duper effective

  31. Yeah this video is flat out wrong. Sure, swimming makes you hungry. But it also most definitely makes you stronger. Hence the term “swimmers body”.

  32. When I stopped swimming I lost my six pack when I started again I got it back sooooo………..

  33. Pfffffft, aquí en la eon ponen la temperatura a 32 grados

  34. Me watching at 2:43 "did she just back dive?!"

  35. Yea… Swimming is the best sport for your body, this is the first sport were in saw myself getting slimmer in just a month

  36. This video was made by someone who got the info in McDonald’s

  37. Trust me, when you swim over 5,000 yards, twice a day, you definitely tear down and build muscle. Look at any competitive swimmer’s back. We definitely have muscle. I rarely lift weights or ever go to dryland for that matter, and my back, shoulder, and leg muscles are very visible

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