下載我們的應用程序以提高您的游泳水平並獲得個性化的訓練計劃! Apple:Android:網站:在此視頻中,您將學習如何以最佳方式進行自由式踢腿! 您將能夠快速有效地游泳。 一開始,我們會弄清楚,在游泳中踢腿的要點是什麼。 它如何幫助我們在水中獲得更高的位置以及它在多大程度上提高了我們的游泳速度。 當你平靜地游泳時,每2次手臂划水只能進行2次踢腿。 然後,我將向您展示最好的游泳練習,這些練習將幫助您在水中保持較高的位置並使雙腿保持在水面。 接下來,我們將詳細了解許多游泳者會犯的游泳錯誤。 您將了解如何預防它們,您的游泳也會輕鬆很多。 對於鐵人三項游泳運動員來說,設置正確的踢腿技術很重要。 這將允許有效地游泳以節省大量能量。 首先,我們將開始在陸地上練習自由式踢球技術。 這將使您感覺到正確的動作。 之後,我將向您展示游泳練習,這將幫助您設置正確的自由泳踢腿。 靠牆踢球是最有用的游泳訓練之一。 此外,您將學習如何正確起步和滑行。 箭頭位置將幫助您感受最佳速度。 這將提高您的整體游泳水平。 此外,在本教程中,我將向您展示基本的游泳練習,這些練習將使您的游泳變得輕鬆舒適。 定期執行我向您展示的所有練習非常重要。 請在評論中告訴我,游泳最重要的是什麼? 如果您有興趣將游泳提升到一個新的水平,請務必在此處訂閱我的 YouTube 頻道:藝術家:Nicolai Heidlas 標題:一日
What I love best about these videos is the on-land training before it goes into water!!!
Great videos, but I noticed that it looks like your left fingertips are pointing upward on the left hand forward glide, so that the fingertips are slightly higher than your elbow. Is this just the camera angle distorting the view or can you feel no water resistance with that hand angle?
All of the above
Today I had my first swimming lesson. 「Adult class 「 I just found this Chanel and I』m thankful for your explanation. Thank you so much god bless your life ! Thank you very helpful
we can practise with good technique, after we get a good coaching. the right step of coaching solving basic problem for beginner swimmer
Can you also show how to end (get upright) safely after you run out of breathe floating on your back?
I think coach is the best i think…..
Many resources recommend 3 kicks per stroke. Do you disagree with that or is this just a different approach?
A fantastic video, and your a great teacher…. thank you! To me technique is more important because, swimming is a workout in and of itself and, is difficult to learn especially at the beginning. You need coordination and working with your breath. I』m not a strong swimmer but, I did try running in the water all the way through and, what a fantastic workout that one was! No comparison with running on land that』s for sure. Thanks for doing this video.
Planned training of swimming techniques
Thank you very much for teaching all
This help me alot for my knowlege …
You are very very good instructor ….
Thank you again…
thanks friend, your videos helps me to improve a lot my swim technique complementary with other videos
Suitable training plan
helpful video for the beginners
Very informative, thanks for all the lessons. I think all steps are important but techniques are the most important. I am 59 years old and just started to learn swimming, I am enjoying it but it takes me a lot of effort to learn the correct technique so I can move forward to next steps.
definitely coaching!!
Excellent videos. I watched the first 3 ones in a row and while I've been able to "swim" somehow, the first swim after the videos was something else. Nobody ever told me to relax in the water which changed everything. Whenever I started to panic, I now could just slow down and think about my kicks.
Thank you for these amazing and clear videos!
The most important thing in swimming is technique. I love your video, thanks a lot ! Mélanie
I learned a great deal, amazing considering I've looked at a lot of videos over the last year! Thank you. For the dry land exercises how many reps and sets would you recommend to start out with?
「While gliding your legs can start sinking. To prevent this, keep them on the surface.」
Dear sir, I want to ask you a question? For the kicking & gliding drills @ 8:30 onwards, did you breath out or hold your breath? Look forward to your response.
All the three!!!
Excellent teacher you are! Is it possible to synchronize the app with a Garmin watch? Thanks!
Suitable training plan mate :)
salute to your video very education hopefully i will learn to swim
learned a lot; you are good. Thanks
What is the most important in swimming?
– Technique
– Coaching
– Suitable training plan