自由泳:5 個最常見的錯誤 [英語][乾貨滿滿SwimUp]

你想改正你所有的錯誤嗎? 下載我們的移動應用程序 – SwimUp:Apple:Android:在此視頻中,我將向您展示如何解決最常見的自由泳錯誤。 具體來說,通過視頻中的游泳練習和練習,您將很快掌握手臂划水和呼吸技巧! 0:23 – 低肘臂劃 4:03 – 呼吸時劃臂 6:46 – 抬起頭呼吸 9:29 – 短臂劃 11:08 – 膝蓋大彎曲 以下是您將在今天學習的內容視頻:首先,我將向您展示如何執行正確的手臂划水的「作弊代碼」。 通過使用我的提示,您將 100% 正確地進行手臂划水。 接下來,您將了解椅臂劃臂練習,以設置您的自由式劃臂技術。 此外,您將了解游泳者游泳技術不佳的原因以及如何避免這種情況。 當游泳者沒有基本的游泳技能時,會出現第二個最常見的錯誤。 游泳者在呼吸的同時進行手臂划水。 這個錯誤使游泳變得困難且效率極低。 當你糾正這個錯誤時,你的自由泳游泳速度將提高 2 倍! (這真的很容易)。 然後,我將向您展示如何擺脫不正確的呼吸技巧。 許多游泳者已經學會了自己在水中呼吸,因此,在許多情況下,技術是錯誤的。 呼吸在游泳中非常重要,尤其是如果您是鐵人三項游泳運動員。 幸運的是,這比聽起來容易得多。 接下來,我將向您展示如何通過「長有效臂劃」使用相同的能量來提高游泳水平。 通過在 IronMan 比賽中進行此類手臂划水,您將游得非常快,並為騎自行車和跑步節省能量。 最後,最後一個錯誤是由執行不正確的踢腿引起的。 這個錯誤可能是戲劇性的,會毀了整個游泳。 踢球不會給我們帶來很大的速度提升。 然而,不正確的技術會減慢我們的速度。 查看我的游泳教程以獲得正確的踢腿技術。 如果您想獲得更多這樣的游泳教程視頻,請務必在此處訂閱我的 YouTube 頻道:Evgeny Lomtev 拍攝:Ville Tirroniemi Benjami Hiljanen Juhani Alatulkkila 設計:Gregory Kovalev #FreestyleSwimming #SwimmingTechnique #Triathlon 音樂:藝術家: NAZAR RYBAK 作品名稱:Inspiring Light Dream


關於 SwimUp

SwimUp 是一個平台,游泳者可以在此學習正確的游泳技術並更快地游泳。我相信,每個人都可以學習任何游泳動作,游泳任何距離。我的頻道就是教你最實用最適合你的游泳技巧,分享游泳秘訣,講解如何正確訓練,提高游泳水平。因此,如果您是初學者、業餘愛好者或鐵人三項運動員,想要提高游泳水平以提高游泳技術和速度,請務必立即訂閱我的頻道。如您所見,我的頻道發布的視頻側重於學習游泳、技術建議、最有用的練習、獨特的游泳練習以及來自像您這樣的訂閱者的問題。

18 留言

  1. Armstroke while breathing is killing me, I don't know when I picked up that bad habit. It's really terrible.

  2. It was really helpful that you showed the arm strokes out of the water too. Thank you

  3. I am even try to do good as he said wrong.
    He is a pro so even when he is doing wrong it is too good for me

  4. I absolutely lift my head and breath wrong!! I』ll be working on it !!

  5. I have never known how to swim all of my life. I have always just stood in the pool or ocean just watching my wife and 3 children swimming and finally took swimming lessons for 2 sessions in a row last year and I have never been shown these techniques. I finished still not knowing how to swim. These are exactly what I should have been shown. I find I'm partial to oxygen so I needed to know how to breathe while practising the techniques. Thank you very much. (By the way I'll be 71 this year and was born and brought up near an ocean beach).

  6. I have all the mistakes :)

  7. من فضلكم ترجمة بالعربية .وجزاكم الله خير .

  8. my biggest mistakes ? didn't take breath at all… and gasping for breath after few seconds underwater

  9. I am probably 5/5 on these mistakes.

  10. I cant bring my head up. I tried but only water gets into my mouth lmao.

  11. Thank you. Look forward to improving my freestyle tecnique. Although in shape, when I swimm freestile I get tired too fast. I will implement these recommendations to be more eficient.

  12. Nodding along to the advice on breathing technique as if I don』t keep my head out of the water at all times.

  13. Lots of great technical tweaks for sure. For the swimmer in the video your left hand is causing drag by being out of alignment. The right hand looks good but the left needs a bit of adjustment.

  14. I don't see the difference between correct and wrong strokes :/

  15. here after getting straight up decimated by an octogenarian in the pool and doing full lengths underwater in embarrassment

  16. What do you think is the biggest mistake?
    1st – Low elbow arm stroke

    2nd – Arm stroke while breathing

    3rd – Lifting head for taking a breath

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